Support the Project!

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Support the Project!

Postby KHatfull » 03 Oct 2016, 19:14

DISCLAIMER: I'm nothing more than a very satisifed daily user of RuneAudio, have no interest other than that, and this post is purely of my own volition.

I would like to make a call to the user community to step up the donations to the project. As I look at the donations page I see thanks from ACX for donations. The Donations post is 17 pages, page 12 and on are posts from this calendar year and page 17 has only 4 posts. That's 54 posts minus a few that aren't ACX's posts for donations. So say roughly 50 donations over a 10 month span.

I'm not suggesting that the guys are going to get rich beyond the dreams of avarice and quit their day jobs doing RuneAudio. But given the time they spend on creating this wonderful music player for us I would think some increased donations would be at least helpful so that they could do something nice for the family or SO that they're taking time away from to do this for US.

Personally, I make a recurring PayPal contribution of 9EURO a month, approximately $10USD. I tried remembering to drop them a donation quarterly but I never remembered to do so. This was my answer. I'm not suggesting that everyone do exactly the same but the way I look at it, I use RuneAudio daily...if I spread that $10USD or so donation over 30 days a month...I really think I get 33 cents a day use out of RuneAudio. How much do you use RuneAudio and how much is it worth to you? Something to ponder.

And, so nobody can say I'm not putting my money where my mouth is, for every minimum $5USD donation in the month of October that ACX verifies for me I'll contribute another $1USD. If 100 of you make a $5USD contribution I'll donate an additonal $100USD. So stick it to KHatfull and step up to the plate. I will also ask that ACX verifies my additional donation in the donations thread just so nobody thinks I'm gonna weasel out of it.

All of us want RuneAudio to exist and grow and improve. Let's all put our money where our collective mouths are and support the project!

Synology DS214+ -> RP3 -> Hifiberry Digi+ -> Audio-Gd NOS1704 (coax) -> Audio-GD C-2 preamp/headphone amp ->

1) Yamaha M-4 Power Amp -> Energy Pro 22 Speakers OR 2) HiFiMan HE-400i

Audio Nirvana!!!
Posts: 64
Joined: 01 Nov 2014, 05:59

Re: Support the Project!

Postby KHatfull » 03 Oct 2016, 22:23

And I'll count the three that he posted today just before I posted the above. So I'm in for an extra $3USD already. :D
Synology DS214+ -> RP3 -> Hifiberry Digi+ -> Audio-Gd NOS1704 (coax) -> Audio-GD C-2 preamp/headphone amp ->

1) Yamaha M-4 Power Amp -> Energy Pro 22 Speakers OR 2) HiFiMan HE-400i

Audio Nirvana!!!
Posts: 64
Joined: 01 Nov 2014, 05:59

Re: Support the Project!

Postby pelliott321 » 09 Oct 2016, 14:32

Thanks for the reminder, just kicked in 10eur
Now that I am firmly entrenched in Rune after a very frustrating time with the other choices, I will start supporting the effort.
Posts: 28
Joined: 02 Sep 2016, 20:31
Location: Baltimore Md., USA

Re: Support the Project!

Postby KHatfull » 09 Oct 2016, 21:59

Synology DS214+ -> RP3 -> Hifiberry Digi+ -> Audio-Gd NOS1704 (coax) -> Audio-GD C-2 preamp/headphone amp ->

1) Yamaha M-4 Power Amp -> Energy Pro 22 Speakers OR 2) HiFiMan HE-400i

Audio Nirvana!!!
Posts: 64
Joined: 01 Nov 2014, 05:59

support RuneAudio Donate with PayPal

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