Temperature readout in the web interface

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Temperature readout in the web interface

Postby Bignumbas » 09 Aug 2019, 01:50

It would be really good to have a temperature readout in the web interface somewhere with the advent of the pi 4.
Currently I have pi-hole co-installed and that gives it to me and I found vcgencmd in /opt/vc/bin so that helps.
I am running the pi 4 without a case, heatsinks installed and a pifi DAC+ hat and it runs at 34C with a fan blowing in from the card end.
Without it it runs around 44C, I think a case would make this higher plus I am in Australia and its in the middle of winter at the moment.
Max air temp at the moment is around 23C not 30C+
Running Kodi with Netflix on the pi4 resulted in 80C+ and crashing so this iteration is heat sensitive and it is recommended to have a fan

I have another post here on running runeaudio on the pi4 which has photos of my system. Amazingly the sound seems louder and clearer,
Don't know whether I am imagining that or not.


pi-hole temp readout
pihole_temp.png (34.99 KiB) Viewed 6323 times

vcgencmd measure_temp
vcgencmd_temp.png (36.29 KiB) Viewed 6323 times
pi4- runeaudio.jpg
fan placement
pi4- runeaudio.jpg (64.96 KiB) Viewed 6323 times
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Re: Temperature readout in the web interface

Postby janui » 09 Aug 2019, 10:51

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Re: Temperature readout in the web interface

Postby LancerMiG » 29 Nov 2019, 17:41

Has this feature been added in the latest build? Because it'd be an awesome thing to have, as I tend to have temperature issues as well. I've been resorting to jerry-rigged cooling means so far, but I'll use your advice as well, and give feedback about how it goes for me.
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