tft frontend in rpi1

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tft frontend in rpi1

Postby pacoandres » 06 Jul 2017, 10:44

Good morning.

I'm trying to use runeaudio on an old Pi Rev1.1 with a cheap TFT.

The idea is to use midori as frontend (like in runeaudio for PI2 and Pi3), but there's no way for midori to load the UI.

I have test it with simple pages (like google, which takes all cpu while loading) and it works; but when loading from localhost, the browser shows nothing but progress bar (and cpu is 99% idle). I think it must be some issue with javascript, but I'm not sure.

I have tried to get any log from midori, but I haven't found any way to get it.

Has anyone any idea of what is happenig or how I should continue?

Or maybe I must give up the project.

Thank you very much
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Re: tft frontend in rpi1

Postby janui » 12 Jul 2017, 13:14

Hi pacoandres,

There are lots of posts on the forum for installing a TFT on a Pi. And from the length of the discussions it is not as simple as it would first appear. The solutions tend to require a relatively recent kernel and are mainly aimed at the Pi 2B or 3B. You could try this image, just to see if the "old Pi Rev1.1" has enough umph to proceed further: raspberry-pi-zero-support-in-0-4-t3711-70.html#p20577. If this works then the following discussions are a good place to start, but this would depend upon the type of your "cheap TFT":

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Re: tft frontend in rpi1

Postby hondagx35 » 12 Jul 2017, 13:20

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Re: tft frontend in rpi1

Postby pacoandres » 12 Jul 2017, 19:48

Thanks for the answers.

The tft is working, but I can't make the browser run in the Rune image for the RPI rev1.

Sure that hondagx35 is right and this image cannot run a browser, but I've another RPI 2 that I'm using as media center and I am just playing with the rev1 RPI.

By now I've seen that I can show Ario MPD-client on the tft, but the size doesn't fit. Maybe I can use the ario code to develop a light MPD-client that fits in the tft, but it could take a long time.

I'll try to keep you updated of the evolution of the project.
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