First thank you to all team for the works.
I agree with ACX, we will wait for 0.4 to support RPI, and try to understand how rpi 2 may increased sound quality ?
What is different
CPU, memory
What is equivalent the rest ....
CPU with more speed and more // process mean we will be able to able to do more action with less interval.
For exemple, my choise is to is2 dac (iqaudio) with local USB disk
I don't have nas so the choice look easy... But in fact wifi is not support flac files over 48 mhz (may do 96 but ... no guarenties)
USB shared with network mean lan will be restricted, by the bus and by the processor speed. IP have some advantage... but is less efficient than disk access, and with usb share will introduce IRQ to CPU with will decrease performance. So RPI network to contrôle rune, fine, to have hight music definition, not totaly confiant. increasing cpu speed, memory and parrallel process, may change this .... But for the moment i will keep local USB.
IS2 DAC is fine but for the moment (not a real problem form me) limited to 192 ... to play DSD or 384 you need to transform the signal first .... And RPI 1 is limited .... So we can hope than RPI 2 will be able to support DSD and 384..... If yes maybe a reason to upgrade
the other way to play DSD or 384 files is to use and external DAC... Normaly USB speed is suffisant.... To transmit signa in both sides, form source to CPU and to CPU to extrernal dac...
From a local USB disk this should work. with an network connection .... Not so evident, As i say network introduce more IRQ, so more delay and more "clic". CPU capabilites may reduce that, enought ?
This will change with protocol we will used .... to get information
Internet protocol to Stream i not so bad, they are not to verbose and reduce amont of data. Microsoft or samba share are less efficient. I still notice that with a cifs share you may X 10 the amount of data on network (one file from 1M, may generetad, with retry, errrors .... 10 M on netwok). RPI2 may reduce IRQ impacts, not network volumes... It should be better for NAS, streaming, enought ?
Have RPI will be a good idear to play DSD or hight definition files. Having IS2 dac with DSD support an other one....
Helping all team, and enjoy the music with the actual version an other one