The New 4-core Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi related support

Re: The New 4-core Raspberry Pi

Postby TJH » 09 May 2015, 20:24

Hi Frank

I wondered how the WiFi Access point is coming on?

I've been trying to get it going but to no avail.
I've tried two main approaches, both based on hostapd-configuration-wifi-hotspot-setup-t567.html which uses the the script from github:

1) Start with pacman -Syu iw dnsmasq --ignore ffmpeg
then (after making tea)
git clone
cd create_ap
make install
create_ap -n wlan0 MySSID MyPassword

This gives an error in hostapd which I can't seem to sort out

2) Start with pacman -Sy
git clone
cd create_ap
make install
create_ap -n wlan0 MySSID MyPassword
then try to get /update whatever the error messages suggest

I can't get this to go either.

I'm giving up and waiting for your bigger brain - divorce threatens!
Last edited by TJH on 13 May 2015, 23:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The New 4-core Raspberry Pi

Postby fminne » 12 May 2015, 06:27

Does anyone knows how I can activate the auto-play-at startup-function? I want to have this functionality, so that I only have to power-up my Raspberry Pi version 2 and my preferred webradio is immediately played.
This was working on a Raspberry Pi B and B+, but on a Raspberry Pi version 2 it doesn’t.
Thanks for your help, Frank.
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Re: The New 4-core Raspberry Pi

Postby utschu » 12 May 2015, 22:52

AFAIK it works if the PI 2 is connected via Ethernet. Via WIFI it doesn't work yet.
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Re: The New 4-core Raspberry Pi

Postby hui13 » 19 May 2015, 03:44


I have been using Runeaudio on and off since 0.1 and regularly since 0.3. Until recently I have had the DIYINHK ES9023 DAC connected via I2S to a Raspberry Pi B and it has worked great, no issues apart from the occasional hiccup with hi-res files over wifi.
I have recently switched over to a Raspberry Pi 2 and need some help with the i2s configuration. I am temporarily using a different DAC, also with the ES9023 chip. I read in this thread Darp saying that he was successful with a Curryman DAC so maybe he can offer some advice.
So far I have tried using the rpi-dac setup recommended for the PCM1794a (thought that it might work) and I am getting clear sound but also a background buzz (digital?) not present on the Pi B. Strangely I only get this with 44.1/16 FLAC and Wav files (most of my library) and not with any of my hi-res files (88.2/24, 96/24, 176.4/24, 192/24). I also do not get the buzz on the few mp3/m4a files in my library. This is when set to MPD and with software volume enabled. When set to airplay I do not get the buzz but I do get some hiss. Spotify works but I cannot verify for noise as audio is at 100 %.
BTW I had no luck getting the analog audio working either. Had it working with Volumio 1.55 but with Runeaudio very low volume sound with what sounded like digital noise. I am using image beta_20150304 with the updated kernel as per suggestion in post dated 12 Apr 2015, 15:11.

BTW, I tried recently to update through gitpull and it seems to have broken the reliability of the installation (odd behaviour requiring reboot).

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Re: The New 4-core Raspberry Pi

Postby tinue » 24 May 2015, 09:41

How can I get volume control for Spotify, Airplay etc (i.e. anything but MPD)? The Pi with Hifiberry Amp+ always plays at 100%, which is a bit loud.
In MPD I can select "software" Volume Control, which then allows me to reduce the volume. I can't find an equivalent setting for Spotify, for example.
Thanks! Martin
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Re: The New 4-core Raspberry Pi

Postby johnbanks » 29 May 2015, 22:50

Hi ...

Today I got my rig running and it sounds great - RPi2 with iqAudioDAC+ and Pi-AMP.

I like to be up to date so I did a DEV gitpull with the following result ...

A brief message:
Updated successfully then ...
Error: Your local would be overwritten by ...
Then a bunch of references ...
Please commit your changes or stash them

Can anyone please explain? What am I not doing?

PS: And thx to all you guys who've made this happen
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Re: The New 4-core Raspberry Pi

Postby Tinitus » 29 May 2015, 22:57

Hi John,

have a look here:


and the following page

that might help you.

Greetings Tinitus
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Re: The New 4-core Raspberry Pi

Postby johnbanks » 30 May 2015, 12:03

Hi & thx for the suggestion.
I followed the link and Frank’s suggestions and did ...

[root@runeaudio ~]# cd /srv/http
[root@runeaudio http]# rm app/libs/runeaudio.php
[root@runeaudio http]# git pull

But I got the same error messages as follows ...

Updating 077e21a..38c91fc
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.

Any other suggestions ... by anyone?
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Re: The New 4-core Raspberry Pi

Postby johnbanks » 30 May 2015, 12:23

PS: S*it, I should not have rm'd that file

Now I cannot browse to the UI (but can still puTTy in)

So it's back to square one - burn the image and set it all up again

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Re: The New 4-core Raspberry Pi

Postby hondagx35 » 30 May 2015, 12:26

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