There is not enough space on....

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There is not enough space on....

Postby dagsix » 15 Jul 2015, 17:52


I'm getting a out of space error when copying files from Windows to my RaspberryPi2 runeaudio player.


The USB drive is over 2T and is NOT full. Less than 10% of the drive is used.


It would seem I need to increase the size of a setting somewhere?

Any ideas? :D

Update: I get the same error when copying from Ubuntu... BUT... Ubuntu has the "copy anyway" option... which so far seems to copy the files.....

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Re: There is not enough space on....

Postby snesmeister » 29 Nov 2015, 06:39

Have you had any success?

I get exactly the same issue. I haven't got Ubuntu running, and it's rather annoying to have to shut down the Pi, take out the HD, plug it into my computer, and then restart the Pi up again to get the library updated.

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Re: There is not enough space on....

Postby YannM » 28 Jul 2016, 14:18


Old question but same issue here. I've now my HD (ca. 500Go) directly connected to the Pi3. When I want to transfer a large file (>200Mo) I get the message "Espace insuffisant...". My guess is that that there is not enough buffer memory somewhere... Any idea how to solve this issue?


System: HD -> Wifi -> Pi 3 -> Audiophonic I-Sabre V3 -> Cambridge Audio
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Re: There is not enough space on....

Postby pobrika » 28 Jul 2016, 15:59

Hi Guys you have 2 real choices to fix this issue, but I'll include a third as an option, one is in a linux gui tool the other 2 would be using the cmd line on the rpi, One extends the partition the other option creates a new one.

1) Download something like ubuntu or linux Mint, then use gparted, this is a gui driven partitioning tool.
Insert RPI SD card into computer, start gparted, select your USB drive.
Right click on the largest partition and chose resize, drag to fill the whole of the usb device or whatever size you want, Apply change.
Put SD card back in RPI and enjoy.

2) Use the cmd to resize the card the following site offers a solution that should work, you'll need use putty or similar to connect over ssh to your RPI.

3) Use either partition tool to add a new partition after the 2GB one, format the filesystem system and then add to the /etc/fstab so it automatically mounts to something like /mnt/MPD/Data, create the folder with mkdir /mnt/MPD/Data. Then copy all your media from the /mnt/MPD/local files to your new folder. This method will increase the storage area for media however the OS could still run out of room and you may find yourself trying to find large file logs etc to remove.
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Re: There is not enough space on....

Postby pobrika » 28 Jul 2016, 16:07

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Re: There is not enough space on....

Postby YannM » 29 Jul 2016, 12:15

Thank you very much!! Now I can send a bunch of wav files at a time.

I followed the 1st way with the live version of arch (CTKarch - for other users: the password to start gparted is "toor").
Very easy to resize the partition!
I also tried the 2nd one but failed because "parted" was not found (but seems to be installed). I didn't get it.
System: HD -> Wifi -> Pi 3 -> Audiophonic I-Sabre V3 -> Cambridge Audio
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Re: There is not enough space on....

Postby pobrika » 29 Jul 2016, 13:25

No worries YannM, glad its working for you.
I agree for most people the easiest way is using gparted in a live linux environment, it provides the simplest solution less likely to go wrong, you can install parted if its not installed already by using: pacman -S parted
I use linux daily and tbh I used the gparted method too. ;)
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