Timer shows wrong information in IE

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Timer shows wrong information in IE

Postby RB0135 » 23 Aug 2016, 12:36

Hi All.

Strange issue that I have searched for but cant find anything remotely similar.

When using RuneAudio (latest 0.3 beta on a Raspberry Pi 3B with HIFI Berry Dac+), through IE11 (under Windows 10), the timer shows the correct time played, but the blue circle runs fast and 1/2 way through the song, it has reached its 360 degree rotation (all filled in as per image below).

Now, what is strange, is:
1) If I click anywhere on the circle, the song is cued and played and the circle times properly.
2) if I have my Android phone connected at the same time or any other device, then the blue circle times correctly on the PC running IE.

I don't use Chrome, but I did try it once and it seemed to run fine.

Is this a known issue to be fixed or do you need more info/testing?

#1 - rune audio 0.4, Raspberry Pi 3B, HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro, Wifi-Static IP, Music on NAS, Technics SU-V550 (RCA)
#2 - rune audio 0.4, Raspberry Pi 3B, HiFiBerry DIGI+ (Transformer version), Wifi-Static IP, Music on NAS, Sony STR-DA5400ES (Coax)
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Re: Timer shows wrong information in IE

Postby hondagx35 » 23 Aug 2016, 13:59

Hi Rob,

thank you for reporting this.
I do not have a Windows10 PC, so can't test this at the moment.
I will check this as soon as i have access to one.

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Re: Timer shows wrong information in IE

Postby RB0135 » 24 Aug 2016, 00:16

Thanks Frank.

I'll try it under the Edge browser as well and report back.

I can emulate this a lot (but not all the time).

I will run some forms of testing to see if I can pick the scenario of when it occurs.

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Re: Timer shows wrong information in IE

Postby RB0135 » 24 Aug 2016, 03:07


I think I have worked out how to emulate the issue.

At first, I thought it might be the songs as it seemed to happen on several songs, but then tried the same songs under Chrome and they were fine.

I tried it under Edge (not expecting it to behave differently since Edge's engine is just IE11 underneath) and sure enough, I had the same issue.

What it seems to be is when IE is minimised. Not sure what is happening with the code/page when minimised to taskbar, but when I maximise IE, the Time circle has gone a full 360 degrees (if left over a minute or more, but even if I minimise it for 5-10 seconds, then maximise it, it still gets out of whack). Chrome seems to stop until you maximise the browser and then it "catches up".

If I leave IE maximised but have other windows/programs opened over it, it is fine.

As a developer myself (both web and applications), I looked at the source of the page thinking you would be using javascript for this but you are not. This looks like it is controlled directly from RuneAudio through ajax or similar, so I cant see why IE would get out of whack.

Probably just one of those things.

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