TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby DustySeven » 12 Jan 2015, 02:47

Awesome work on all the projects here. Gets my creative side of my mind firing ideas. Cant wait to show what I have in mind, may be more then one idea
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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby skrodahl » 12 Jan 2015, 07:33

You made me really curious now DustySeven, hope you'll be able to share something soon.

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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby DustySeven » 19 Jan 2015, 01:54

Update on my idea. I finally nailed down exactly want I want to do for my first system as I am planning to do 2. The first system will connect to a external amp I have been currently using. The second system will be a a self contained system. There are a few things I still have to decide on but this what I have so far. I will using a Raspi B with a BerryNOS Red I2S DAC. I am figuring out exactly how I want to the external of the case and its aesthetics. I want something unique, useful, but does not standout(to much). I hope to start getting parts soon and start nailing this down. I may create a new post under the DIY section for this project, it depends on how abtious I plan to get. Hope you all enjoy this as I reveal more.
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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby den_hr » 11 Feb 2015, 14:15

It was a surprise to see that I'm not the only one doing this type of projects :)

I've been playing with various TPA3116 (and TDA7297) chip amps for more than a year now, and I've been working on a RasPi server for a while.

My idea is similar to what has been described in this thread, but for mine I'll use a ready-made enclosure: an old cassette deck :)
So far, the project is still at the beginning (working on improving the software side of things), but I have already built several RasPi audio servers - in discrete components, i.e. as a separate RasPi+DAC server, a separate TPA3116 amp and an external USB hard disk with music library.
The next iteration, a pet project of mine, will be to put everything into a single enclosure - an old hi-fi deck component. I'm still considering various options, since I'd like to retain at least some of the functionality of the front plate (buttons and switches).... We'll see :)
One of the kits I made...
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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby dr.gazza » 03 Apr 2015, 15:54

hi to all!
perhaps only you can help me get a definitive answer to this dilemma
(dilemma for me that I did classical studies), I hope to be clear!

I would rationalize my configuration RPI 2 + Pi-DAC+ + hdd (Toshiba MQ01ABD100)

currently RPI and hdd have an independent power supply, but I would use this as a power supply to power everything from a single source:

5v power supply output would then be connected:

  - RPI (+ and - direct to power supply)

- The hdd using usb Y cable (the data connector to RPI second usb connector to + 5V of power supply)

my doubt concerns the 4 amperes

What happens to the RPI and the HDD as they consume less?

you can burn both?

thanks in advance!
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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby fri » 21 Aug 2015, 10:20

No, the 4A is not the amperage the power source will permanently supply, it's only the upper limit, how much it CAN do.
So there is no danger for raspberry or anything to burn from more powerful power sources, unless there is some short or something, but in that case a weaker power source can damage the boards too.

4A is simply a limit, how much can the raspberry and the other stuff use (totally).

Probably you figured this out already.
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