TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby Downunder55 » 23 Sep 2014, 01:02

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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby Downunder55 » 23 Sep 2014, 01:09

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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby Peter » 23 Sep 2014, 02:02

@Downunder55: Should the resistor shown on your diagram at right on the G line not be 100k ohm? Feel free to slap me if I am wrong, but the one above it is 100k ohm, and I think it should probably match. Also the Beavis schematic shows only 2 560 ohm resistors, and your image shows 3.

Please, I am just trying to understand, which is hard for someone with little knowledge. :)
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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby Downunder55 » 23 Sep 2014, 02:46

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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby skrodahl » 23 Sep 2014, 08:53


I'm really happy that you got it working, and that you like it. That bodes well for my own version. You would need the volume pot in front of the preamp to make sure you have some attenuation. If not, the full signal will be fed into the preamp all the time. That could lead to clipping of the signal, and it most certainly did in your case since it sounded terrible.

You could, if you want, try to lower the gain of the circuit by increasing R3 and R8 (the 560 ohm resistors from jfet source to ground) a bit. I am using 715 ohm, but you should get the same effect by using anything from 700-820 ohms. Do this only if the sound degrades at high audio volumes of course. That stopped my preamp from clipping even with full input from my HifiBerry DAC.

The PSU filter I'm using is exactly the one from Beavis, it seems to be fine with my switch mode PSU. I'd try that, and see what happens. It looks perfectly fine on the scope. Do not skip the resistor, as it is part of the filter. You're essentially creating a low-pass filter that removes high frequencies. The resistor can be higher, up to 500 ohms or so is no problem, but you don't want it to be too high as it brings down the voltage to the circuit.

Remember also to add the smaller capacitor, as it is more effective at filtering high frequencies. It would preferably be a ceramic, I'm using a polyester film cap. If it seems like the sound quality is worse, add one or two more 220uF electrolytic capacitors in parallel. Switch mode power supplies can be sensitive to capacitive loads, so be conservative when adding filter capacitors.

The circuit should work with anything from 12-30 volts, the PSU that's powering your amp would be fine. The output capacitors don't have to be polarized, non-polarized would probably be better and if you can find a film capacitor at the same value or higher (such as 4.7uF) it would certainly be better. Electrolytic capacitors are not linear with different frequencies, but I doubt that you would notice much difference at all.

All in all, this is a very resilient circuit in so many ways. The only thing I wouldn't change is the bias resistor from V+ to jfet drain. At least not without proper measurements. Even then, as long as you're within a reasonable similar value you'd be fine.

Finally, thanks for sharing the stripboard layout. I'd keep the original picture, it's in context and mistakes are what makes us improve.

BTW, isn't it übercool and satisfying to know that you have built this yourself? 8-)

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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby StivVid » 23 Sep 2014, 13:13

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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby skrodahl » 23 Sep 2014, 14:54

IMG_20140714_114926 (1).jpg
IMG_20140714_114926 (1).jpg (430.46 KiB) Viewed 3044 times

|| Audiobah TPA3116 || || ProJect Debut Carbon Espirit DC || / RaspBerry Pi / HifiBerry DAC ||
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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby StivVid » 23 Sep 2014, 17:50

So... You've connected your power supply to the HifiBerry and the Pi is powered by it? I would have thought the HifiBerry would be getting its power from the Pi, not vice-versa.

I'm using the IQaudio Pi-DAC. I've got power running to the Raspberry Pi's micro USB power input, and the Pi-DAC gets its power from the P5 header of the Raspberry Pi.
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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby skrodahl » 23 Sep 2014, 21:24


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Re: TPA3116 / RuneAudio Project

Postby skrodahl » 23 Sep 2014, 21:49

This build is really taking its time... Or, rather, I don't have too much time to build.

My previous build post showed the phono stage going in. Now it is in, it's powered up and it didn't blow up on me. The phono input is connected, now it needs to be connected to the input selector.

I did some tidying up, placed the PSU straight and freed some space. Tomorrow could be the day when the phono stage is finally getting tested. And, if I didn't fsck anything up, it will be time to decide how to mount the preamp.

IMG_20140923_184139.jpg (501.61 KiB) Viewed 3019 times

The preamp can only fit above the phono stage, and I'm thinking something in the way of these (only longer):

49431-8933-3.jpg (4.29 KiB) Viewed 3019 times

That means that I also have to wire the two remaining inputs before mounting the preamp, and use zip-ties to organize and hold all the cables in place using "zip-tie anchors" like these:

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