foxint > Hi brother, how's it going? Bro, slow down, you doing too many things at the same time (or one after the other), if something screws up you won't know what screwed up. Too many changes to back track it. I would suggest, and I know this is a shiiter, start from scratch. Re-install, start with a new slate.... yes you will have to configure everything again, that's how we learn and become proficient. Repeat, repeat. I can't count how many times I've done a re-install. Change one thing at a time. And when four people are telling you to do this, try that, etc, things will become jumbled up to the point that you won't know what your doing and they won't know what their doing. Slow down, start again, ask one question on the forum, implement that procedure, then do it all again. Sorry bro, best advice, best practice.
edit: hondagx35 is the best man for the job, his English (or typing) is not perfect, but he does know what he's talking about.