Turning the Software Off???

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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby rastus » 16 Apr 2016, 07:22

foxint > Hi brother, how's it going? Bro, slow down, you doing too many things at the same time (or one after the other), if something screws up you won't know what screwed up. Too many changes to back track it. I would suggest, and I know this is a shiiter, start from scratch. Re-install, start with a new slate.... yes you will have to configure everything again, that's how we learn and become proficient. Repeat, repeat. I can't count how many times I've done a re-install. Change one thing at a time. And when four people are telling you to do this, try that, etc, things will become jumbled up to the point that you won't know what your doing and they won't know what their doing. Slow down, start again, ask one question on the forum, implement that procedure, then do it all again. Sorry bro, best advice, best practice.
edit: hondagx35 is the best man for the job, his English (or typing) is not perfect, but he does know what he's talking about.
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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby foxint » 16 Apr 2016, 07:25


OK....This will be #5......

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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby rastus » 16 Apr 2016, 07:59

foxint > Only #5? Oh my... Frank (hondagx35) re-installs every time someone asks him a question! I responded on the "Play Music NOT in Queue" thread too, hope it helps bro.
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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby foxint » 16 Apr 2016, 08:08

Hi Mate

OK...Thank you... perhaps is it a little more than 5 times...ha-ha.

I read you comment in the other section... so it cannot do what I want...I am OK with that.

Currently trying to fix my Dad's accounts...he is too old to do it but he refuses to let go....

I will reinstall in about 30mins..

Thank you
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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby rastus » 16 Apr 2016, 08:30

You will note that the Pi has a red LED and a green LED. When the red LED is on it means there is power going to the Pi, when the green LED is on it means the software on the micro SD card is being used (ie, Rune is running). To shut down the Pi, stop the music being played, go through the steps to shut down Rune and wait... until the green LED STOPS blinking, then you turn off the switch at the wall socket (even though the red LED on the Pi is still alight), then pull the plug (or leave the plug in the socket, but make sure you turn off the switch regardless).

I have found that Microsoft Internet Explorer doesn't seem to 'update' when I make changes to Rune (I need to press Ctrl + F5 to refresh the browser). Mozilla Firefox seems to work OK with Rune, I've not tried Google Chrome with Rune yet.

Edit-1: Your father, a good ol' auzzie bushman then huh. Good on 'im!
Edit-2: The PiFi Digi+ should also have a green LED too, when you shutdown Rune you may notice that the PiFi Digi+ green LED will turn off... even though the Pi's red LED is still alight.
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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby foxint » 16 Apr 2016, 09:12

Hi Guys.....

Using Firefox and Chrome...seems to work.

Re-installed and changed the date 3 times...rebooted each time. I decided to leave the default timezone and put in the Berlin time....I checked the date and it took...then did the update.....and re-booted.....each time I did this the date went back to Feb 22...

NTP server is...pool.ntp.org

Another re-boot.....and the date is......

Feb 22 15:40.....ahhhhhhh :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby rikardo1979 » 16 Apr 2016, 09:56

>>>Please always follow rules and read before you post<<<
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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby foxint » 16 Apr 2016, 10:00


May I ask - what does this do??

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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby rikardo1979 » 16 Apr 2016, 10:02

>>>Please always follow rules and read before you post<<<
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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby rastus » 16 Apr 2016, 10:03

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