Turning the Software Off???

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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby rastus » 16 Apr 2016, 10:05

foxint > You are running TWO threads, I'm having a hard time responding to both... you are confusing me.
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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby rastus » 16 Apr 2016, 10:07

foxint > Frak the time, it doesn't matter for now, deal with why the Pi won't play music then get back to the time issue.

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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby foxint » 16 Apr 2016, 10:11


Thank you.....

Not sure if it worked???

[root@runeaudio ~]# rm /etc/localtime
[root@runeaudio ~]# sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
sudo: dpkg-reconfigure: command not found
[root@runeaudio ~]#

I then rebooted....
[root@runeaudio ~]# date
Mon Feb 22 14:40:55 UTC 2016
[root@runeaudio ~]#

Sorry I am totally lost....seems like it does not like the correct date/time

Any suggestions??
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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby rastus » 16 Apr 2016, 10:23

Try an Auzzie time server (use one only)...

server 0.au.pool.ntp.org
server 1.au.pool.ntp.org
server 2.au.pool.ntp.org
server 3.au.pool.ntp.org

Do you know where to insert this in Rune?
Is the Raspberry Pi connected to the internet right now? I'm asking is the Pi connected to the internet, I am not asking are you, I can see your posting here so you must be connected.

Edit: I thought Rune didn't run sudo, I thought Rune ran pacman.... someone confirm please?
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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby rastus » 16 Apr 2016, 10:28

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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby rikardo1979 » 16 Apr 2016, 10:36

>>>Please always follow rules and read before you post<<<
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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby foxint » 16 Apr 2016, 10:39


I do not understand.

I do not know where to insert these.

I cannot confirm if the Pi is on the internet. It is connected to my home network and anyone on the network is/can be connected to the internet... at the moment I have (finally...yes I am an idiot) got to listen to my flac files on the HDD that is attached wiht USB.

So I am sorry, I probally did not answer the question???

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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby rastus » 16 Apr 2016, 10:44

"So I am sorry, I probally did not answer the question???"

No, you answered my question.... you have a network problem your end. The Pi cannot connect to the time server (to update the time) because that requires a working network connection to the internet. You cannot play FLAC music via your network (but you can play FLAC files via the USB drive), thus your Pi is not connecting to your network, therefore it is also not connecting to the internet. Figure it out bro.

Edit: You have learned one very important lesson.... if you can't play music via the network, then TEST other ways. Process of elimination.... rule out what it is not, my dear Watson.

Edit: PS: Going to watch a movie with my loved one.
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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby foxint » 16 Apr 2016, 10:51


But I have been listening to cdnx and BBC World Service most of the afternoon on the PI...currently switched to cdnx - an internnet radio station...

So I am completely confused...

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Re: Turning the Software Off???

Postby PeteB » 16 Apr 2016, 12:39

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