UI improvements (album art, presentation, etc)

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UI improvements (album art, presentation, etc)

Postby atomicop » 09 Mar 2014, 16:53

This may get lengthy. Hopefully it's deemed useful.

I'm not sure exactly what improvements are coming in 0.3, though I did read that a lot of backend changes are in place. I know those changes will allow better performance and easier addition of features in the future.

That being said, here are a few things that I've noticed/wanted over the past couple weeks of constant use:

The UI should use embedded album art as a priority (if I added it, it's most likely the artwork that I want to see), then alternate sources if nothing is embedded. Most popular formats allow some sort of embedded information, including album art. The next step would be "folder.jpg" or "cover.jpg" (or similar), and then moving to the web if nothing else is found. Additionally, this helps systems to not require internet access (security concerns, portable setups, etc).

From the playback UI, it would be great if tapping on the album art brought me to the album (in case I want to add other songs to the playlist). Tapping on the information above that (artist, track, album name, etc) would take you to the artist. That second one requires additional features (I'll describe in detail further in this post), or it could just take you to the browse page and search for the artist name by default (this would be the fastest to implement).

There has already been mention of adding a function to randomly add files to a playlist (ACX mentioned it in a post). That would be great as I currently use MPoD (and MPaD), on my iOS devices, in order to randomly add files to the playlist. I bring up the random functionality here because I would like one thing to be considered: have a threshold setting for minimum track length to add. That would allow us to avoid adding short tracks such as skits and interludes that are common for some artists (or soundtracks where they include some dialog clips between songs).

The browse section would greatly benefit from a restructuring. This is the major addition I mentioned previously. Essentially, I don't want to have to browse through folders to find my music. Since the info is already being saved to a database, it would be best if I was presented with categories (artist, album, track, genre, year, etc). Then I could have data spread across multiple drives but not need to know where it existed to find it. While I can currently search, I can't easily add an entire album that way (you can do it, but it's one track at a time).The presentation is really what matters; let me add any number of locations, but once all the data is scanned, let me not see the locations by default. Present as just the info I'd use to make a choice (info about the music, not the storage). Also, this would make my previous request even more useful. Tapping the current track info could take you to the Artist/Album view for that track. That would show all the tracks on that album, but allow the user to go up one level to see all albums for that artist.
If my explanation doesn't make sense, check out how MPoD displays data, or how Plex handles movies/TV shows.

In addition, there could still be an option to view the file's location, in case you needed to know where it was stored. But that option should be in an "info" submenu of some sort; it would be there if needed, but not displayed by default.
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Re: UI improvements (album art, presentation, etc)

Postby ACX » 10 Mar 2014, 13:20

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Re: UI improvements (album art, presentation, etc)

Postby skrodahl » 19 Mar 2014, 19:51

These are all great ideas, I would like to offer my view on the usability of the UI.

Although the UI looks fantastic, and is super clean, it still suffers from a problem that all MPD clients seem to have. The library an playlist listings are stateless. For anything else but the most modest libraries, this is quite cumbersome. When navigating to the library or the playlist, you end up on the first entry. This is an area where RuneAudio could really shine and stand out from the crowd.

Here's one idea, for the desktop UI. The mobile interface contains the same elements as the full browser interface, but it occupies less real estate. This can be used as an advantage. Having the full interface look like it does today, but adding the library and playlist listings to to the right and left hand side of the playback controls as expandable/collapsible elements (or for simplicity and faster implementation, as static elements) would enable you to access them without navigating away from the main page. This would preserve the state of the listing, at the cost of making the controls smaller. You would of course need to add an update/refresh control to both listings, that might lead to a lost state again.

Exploring this idea further might even let you navigate to all other functions, like settings, in that center playback controls element. You might not even have to use the static playback controls bar on the top of the page, or just limit it to the element in the center.

Now, getting into nitpicking territory, this would even improve the editing functions of the playlist. Not having to move all the way from the left (the actual song name) to select the song, to the far right to delete the song from the playlist. Same goes for the add song context menu, which is not completely visible at the bottom of the browser btw (Told you I was nitpicking ...)

How the library is presented was covered nicely in the original post. Using a solution like the one I'm suggesting, or alternate ones, might require that you make each folder (or category) expandable/collapsible as well. Apart from the, it would allow you to do any presentation changes at your own pace.

In summary, my main gripe about any MPD client is the lost state of the library and playlist listings. My suggestion might not be the best implementation, but it could be a starting point for a usability discussion.

Thanks again for a great product , looking forward to using my HifiBerry with RuneAudio.


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Re: UI improvements (album art, presentation, etc)

Postby ACX » 23 Mar 2014, 18:40

Hi skrodahl, I've read your posts around the forum in the last days, sorry for the late reply but I was overwhelmed by job. Thank you for all your detailed suggestions, let me say that they are really appreciated as useful feedbacks.

I already fixed the stateless problem weeks ago, keeping the current 3 tab views but storing in memory browsing history and current position, for a more consistent UX. The 0.3-beta will feature a lot of performance and usability improvements and fixes, reducing a lot the gap between a web interface and a native application.

Today I'm finally back on work on the RuneUI, and I hope to find in the next days the time to speed up the development. I'm looking forward to show you our work as soon as possibile.
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Re: UI improvements (album art, presentation, etc)

Postby skrodahl » 25 Mar 2014, 12:59

Great news ACX, especially considering that I expressed a wish for preserving the state in the lists in far too many words.

I for one appreciate the focus that you have for core functionality like performance, playlists and making RuneAudio the best audio player it can be, before looking at extending the feature set. That goal of making a strong foundation really sets you apart from the rest, and will definitely pay off once you decide to add more features.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what you have achieved in the next beta.

- Skrodahl

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Re: UI improvements (album art, presentation, etc)

Postby sundance » 25 May 2014, 16:40

While I second the idea of having additional presentation criteria (like artist, album) I would urge you to keep visualisation via folder structure. Like you and Orion, there are many serious collectors/archivers out there who maintain a sophisticated file and folder structure with their digital audio. And, of course, if album view is back, there must be a way to configure it to the needs of the user, like how "Various Artist" albums are organized, etc.

Thanks for the great work and the time you are spending on the project.
I'm using a Raspi and was a little frustrated with "volumio" when I finally found "RuneAudio" - this one looks very promising!
Can't wait for the next release...

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Re: UI improvements (album art, presentation, etc)

Postby ACX » 26 May 2014, 00:10

Hi sundance, users will have the option to choose the presentation criteria and set the desired one as default in UI's settings. We will reintroduce that feature in 0.4-beta. Anyway, "Browse by file" will always be the default option at the first access :)
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