Ultimate DAC isolator

Raspberry Pi related support

Ultimate DAC isolator

Postby G2 labs » 10 Jul 2014, 15:02

Hi guys!

We just want to share with you a module we recently released.
Since we all know that RPi dont have the cleanest ground plane and not the best I2S output we have focused on them. Theese two points are essential for a good setup.


The module is small and can be used with any I2S DAC available for RPi as a "middle card". It can be mounted on top or bottom of the RPi before the DAC module.
We also decided to add a master clock output to really give the user the ability to use almost any available DAC (having in mind that 99% of all DAC chips needs a master clock which the RPi is missing).

It gives you theese features:
*GND isolation
*I2S isolation
*I2S reclock
*Master clock output
*Isolated 3.3VDC
*isolated 5VDC

More info:
User manual:
G2 labs
Posts: 4
Joined: 09 Jul 2014, 14:57

Re: Ultimate DAC isolator

Postby metalrob » 11 Jul 2014, 09:20


Nice development!

But- If I face the ground problems of the pi, I think it would be better to turn to another platform like cubietruck for example.
When I calculate the costs for the Isolator and a raspberry pi I'm better off with cubietruck or similar devices.
Or does the ground noise problem affect all comparable platforms in a way?

Anyway, I do not understand why most of the users stuck on the pi, when it is not really well suited for audio reproduction.
There are such great efforts on developing audiophile players at rune audio or volumio for example and raspberry pi is
the most chosen platform for running them. Seems to be a little bit paradox, isn't it?

Greetingz, Robert
Posts: 20
Joined: 04 Mar 2014, 20:41

Re: Ultimate DAC isolator

Postby yok3 » 11 Jul 2014, 12:43

I think that this is too much to pay...
as I understand XMOS modul, usb to I2S would do the trick, for much less money...
whell XMOS is not I2S to I2S...but with it I could conect it to anything...not just rPi

any way...I would pay something like 15-20$ but not more than that for this kinde of solution...
Posts: 11
Joined: 29 Jun 2014, 18:00

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