I got all kinds of music on my HDD. I already removed all é and other letters be they French or Italian because I can't get them displayed properly in the shell. The Umlaute like Ä for instance are not displayed properly either but if I write "Die Ärzte" it works although the folder name is displayed "Die ?rzte". But if I write "Einstürzende Neubauten" it doesn't work.
I also had the problem that in the WebUI a track title was displayed "Die F?rstin" instead of "Die Fürstin". Would running convmv solve the problem? And is there any solution to save all those lovely French and Italian letters?
That would be awfully nice
Please let Édith Piaf be her proper self likewise with Fabrizio de André
Cavolo non lasciamoci dominare dal'Inghlese per favore ragazzi siete Italiani veri (questa è di Toto)