Unable to build library

Raspberry Pi related support

Re: Unable to build library

Postby cmh714 » 28 Jan 2020, 01:29

its just a left click on the folder to bring up the "folder" menu to Add, Replace, etc.
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Re: Unable to build library

Postby Hwrd69 » 03 Feb 2020, 18:52

I was able to access and play my library without any further issues once I formatted my drive to NTFS. Also, I guess I misread the instructions regarding selecting a whole folder to add to the playlist. I got that now.

My next hurdle is to get a touchscreen added. I purchased a Kumar 7" touch screen monitor, but need to mod the config file to get it to output. I'm only getting a "No Input" message.

I've done some searching and reading regarding touch screens but have yet to find information regarding getting a touchscreen to work with the RPI4 and Runeaudio e2. Has anyone had any success?

It would be awesome to be able to use the screen without the need for wifi access. In my area I do not have access to setting a useful wireless setup without having to use it just locally and having to switch back and forth between my phone's wifi setting and radio data setting. PITA.

If someone does have information regarding my inquiry, please point me in the right direction. Maybe it's something I have yet to find or have overlooked. If I need to repost this as a seperate question, I will get that done.


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Thanks for any responses and assistance.

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Re: Unable to build library

Postby nguyem01 » 09 Mar 2020, 17:21

I also in same boat as you are figure out issues one by one.
To answer your question, if you know your screen native resolution you can add all the line below to your /boot/config.txt file.
for example my 7" screen have native screen resolution of 1024 x 600

hdmi_cvt 1024 600 60 6 0 0 0

I just about to give up Runeaudio and switch to Volumio, but again I'm open another can of worms.
Good luck and let me know if it work for you.
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Re: Unable to build library

Postby Hwrd69 » 11 Mar 2020, 12:17

Thanks for any responses and assistance.

RuneAudio+R e3
Hifiberry DAC +Pro
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Posts: 16
Joined: 31 Dec 2019, 05:35

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