Unable to connect unless I power down and up

Raspberry Pi related support

Unable to connect unless I power down and up

Postby BrianD » 03 May 2017, 00:14

In the past few days I have been unable to connect to the interface of my Rune via any device - Macbook, Android device or iPad. If I power down and up again, I can connect but once I finish listening and stop a source, I am unable to connect again.

Any ideas?
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Re: Unable to connect unless I power down and up

Postby match69 » 14 May 2017, 21:48

Hi Brian,
I hope you have found the answer to your problem; if not perhaps your ip address has changed. I have had an issue today with nothing connecting to Rune. I used the Rune android app for the first time earlier today. Previously I had used ip 192.168.1.xx. I tried some time after and could not get into Rune. I connected to hdmi and managed to access the runeui from there. I checked the Network settings and found my ip address had changed to 192.168.1.yy which is why I couldn't ssh or get access to the browser app. Perhaps in your case something is interfering with the ip settings between uses. JAT.
Posts: 3
Joined: 14 Apr 2017, 19:10

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