Hi ads,
due to the huge changes between 0.2-beta and 0.3-beta, I strongly advice the following:
1) manually backup your MPD database (/var/lib/mpd/mpd.db), as the only thing that could take a lot of time is the indexing of your library
2) do a clean install of the 0.3-beta, writing the image on the SD card
3) proceed wit a of the UI
4) manually restore your MPD database
5) proceed with the rest of the config (a couple of mins)
This is going to be easier for the next releases, as we will introduce the automatical backup/restore feature (the backup one is already present in the 0.3-alpha).
@cmh714: I appreciate your effort in replying to users questions, but please try to give more useful and less misleading advices, like this one