Updating Raspian (pi OS) lost Pi ip address

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Re: Updating Raspian (pi OS) lost Pi ip address

Postby foxint » 05 Oct 2017, 06:14


Yes, I am a little less experienced than you.... but that is no excuse to shoot me. I can shoot myself in the foot.

I just spent the remainder of the day re-installing raspian onto the pi. Then I realised that the Pi3 that has RuneAudio does not have raspian. I thought RuneAudio was running on the top and the Pie needed an Operating System.

I see why you all treated me like I had leprosy.

I think I understand. So, I reinstalled RuneAudio and will now try and replicate its previous operational status. Wish me luck....I am going to need it.

Now that I am sort of understanding.

Does anyone know how to make Pi2 Media 502 DAC work on the pi. I understood it worked with RuneAudio, but I cannot find any instructions. It came a few days ago and I am in the dark


Do I need a new thread????
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Re: Updating Raspian (pi OS) lost Pi ip address

Postby rastus » 05 Oct 2017, 08:08

You may be "a little less experienced", but your SURE are stubborn! Advice was given, and STILL you went ahead and did what you wanted to do, what you were warned not to do. Sheeesh man! Anyway, RuneAudio IS the Operating System. If you had been treated like you had "leprosy" no one would've responded to your posts at all.

So anyway, I think, I can see what's happened here... you got a brand new Pi2Media 502DAC Audio Shield (http://www.pi2design.com/store/p15/502D ... hield.html)... is this correct? And you couldn't get it to work with your RuneAudio install, so you decided to... update the Kernal. Which, I assume, also contributed to your network issue.

Okies.... so, what you really wanted to know is.... "Does anyone know how to make Pi2 Media 502 DAC work on the pi." I have searched this forum, and the pi2design forum, and google, and can find no reference to the Pi2 Media 502 DAC working with RuneAudio. But, I'm sure Frank, out of the kindness of his good and gentle heart, the guy that never swears and is patient as hell, who swore at you earlier in this thread, will no doubt come along and give you an answer to this question. Good luck.
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Re: Updating Raspian (pi OS) lost Pi ip address

Postby foxint » 05 Oct 2017, 08:31

Thanks mate

I thought that Pi had an OS and RuneAudio worked on top of it…yes it was me assuming Pi works like a PC (win 10 OS and then programmes on top). But I did not understand that RuneAudio is an Operating System. Now I do and this makes it much clearer.

Either no one told me this or I did not understand what they were telling me. I just thought the Pi was a little PC…but that is clearly not the case.

Yes: Pi2 Design Media 502 DAC Pro. I could not find anything about it. The designer/seller said it would work before I bought it. I assumed that I could find some instructions on the net…but no. I have emailed the seller/designer.

Seems strange I am the only one with the device wanting to use RuneAudio.

See - I like the programme…. or I would not have been so stubborn - ha-ha.

Thanks again. The Pi road is full of tricks.
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Re: Updating Raspian (pi OS) lost Pi ip address

Postby rastus » 05 Oct 2017, 09:09

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Re: Updating Raspian (pi OS) lost Pi ip address

Postby janui » 05 Oct 2017, 10:07

Hi Everyone,

Lets try get a little more positive here. Someone new wants to use Rune and needs some help to get started.


First get Rune working without the dac, look at the "Getting started" instructions here: http://www.runeaudio.com/documentation/

Then add the Pi2Media 502DAC Audio Shield. Your dac may not be recognised by Rune (some are and some are not). If not, setting it up as a "Hifiberry Dac Plus" (which has the same dac chip type) should work fine. There are instructions on the forum (the solution depends upon the image which you are using), search for PCM5122 (this is the dac chip type).

There are several Rune images available for the different Pi models, some are old (and stable) others are new (with more features, experimental and less stable).

If you still have problems, first search the forum for an answer. No solution, then post a question. When you post a question specify your kit (Pi type, image used, dac/digi board, etc. ) and supply a copy of the debug information (see the menu when you have it working). This will really speed up the replies.

When you get it working (and I am sure you will :) ), add a post to the compatibility list here: compatibility-list-f11.html
Explain what you did and tell us how good the DAC is, then we all know how to do it in the future.

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Re: Updating Raspian (pi OS) lost Pi ip address

Postby rastus » 05 Oct 2017, 12:11

I can get constructive, but never 'positive' without negative. I am of the understanding that the Pi2Media 502DAC Audio Shield (http://www.pi2design.com/502dac.html) uses the PCM5122 DAC chip, where as the Pi2Media 502DAC PRO (http://www.pi2design.com/502dac_pro.html) uses the PCM1792 DAC chip. So, I am unsure as to whether the Hifiberry Dac+ driver will work or not.

foxint will get it going, as he has so many times before, of that I'm sure.... like I said, he's stubborn. LoL!
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Re: Updating Raspian (pi OS) lost Pi ip address

Postby janui » 05 Oct 2017, 13:20

Thanks rastus,

According to their documentation the (http://www.pi2design.com/502dac_pro.html) with the PCM1792 DAC chip works with the "Hifiberry DIGI+ PRO" driver. Setting the "hardware volume control" on and checking that it works is the crucial test.

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Re: Updating Raspian (pi OS) lost Pi ip address

Postby rastus » 05 Oct 2017, 13:57

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Re: Updating Raspian (pi OS) lost Pi ip address

Postby hondagx35 » 05 Oct 2017, 14:29

Hi foxint,

please use the image from and select the "Hifiberry Digi+ Pro" from the settings page.


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Re: Updating Raspian (pi OS) lost Pi ip address

Postby foxint » 05 Oct 2017, 21:01

Thanks I guess I have been told.

As for the image. Thank you.

Just checking the file does not mention HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro....it is called RuneAudio_rpi2_rp3-beta_20170229_2GB.img

Do I just copy it to the SD card? Do I use windows explorer? Or is there a special way?

(If it all goes horridly wrong, with this file work with my Digi +??? or is this an update??)

Sorry for the questions. I do not want to get it wrong.
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