Upgrading hardware to avoid glitches / clicks / pops

Raspberry Pi related support

Upgrading hardware to avoid glitches / clicks / pops

Postby james_b » 23 Oct 2015, 22:06

I'm really happy with my rune audio setup using a Raspberry Pi model B, but the playback could be better. I get clicks and pops at least once on most 44.1khz flacs and more than this on 88.2k or 96k flacs but it's just about tolerable. At 192k it's a big problem.

Would switching the Pi model B for a Pi 2 go some way to rectifying this, or would one of the other hardware options be the more powerful device? Is I'd be happy to upgrade to whichever would give me the best playback.

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Joined: 08 Oct 2015, 22:32

Re: Upgrading hardware to avoid glitches / clicks / pops

Postby Beelzebassie » 24 Oct 2015, 10:18

Hmmm... My Pi B+ only uses about 4% of its capacity (USB) while playing 16_44.1 files, and 10% @ 24_96 (over I2S, when using USB it goes up to 45%).
Raspberry Pi 3B (rev. 1.2) | Allo DigiOne
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Re: Upgrading hardware to avoid glitches / clicks / pops

Postby james_b » 25 Oct 2015, 19:21

Posts: 20
Joined: 08 Oct 2015, 22:32

Re: Upgrading hardware to avoid glitches / clicks / pops

Postby Beelzebassie » 27 Oct 2015, 11:01

Have you tried monitoring the activity on your Pi?

I use Putty to connect to RuneAudio, and the Linux 'top' command to monitor my Pi.
Raspberry Pi 3B (rev. 1.2) | Allo DigiOne
Posts: 76
Joined: 09 Nov 2014, 12:16

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