UPNP and play on wifi speaker

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UPNP and play on wifi speaker

Postby TobStar » 28 Sep 2016, 16:32


as i was looking for building my own music player with an raspberry pi i had found rune audio and really love the look of that player. So yesterday i had ordered everything i need to bring my project to life. After all i have some questions about this software.

At first, i have an server where all my music and videos are stored. I can listen them by upnp ( minidlna is installed on the server ) and i hope that runeAudio can also listen to UPNP??? The other question is about streaming my music to various wifi speakers. Im using some of them in several rooms. So is it possible to stram music from the server to an wifi speaker using UPNP with RuneAudio?
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Joined: 28 Sep 2016, 16:25

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