USB 7.1 soundcard on RasPi

Raspberry Pi related support

USB 7.1 soundcard on RasPi

Postby MaWi » 26 Aug 2018, 11:07


I am planning a multiroom system but at the moment I'm not sure which system and which constellation is the best for my environment. So I do some experiments. I downloaded the RasPi-Image of rune and it works with an USB sound card. This "Sweex 7.1" card is identified as "Cmedia CM2606".
My question is, can I split the channels of the USB sound card to play different streams on the outputs?

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Joined: 26 Aug 2018, 10:55

Re: USB 7.1 soundcard on RasPi

Postby eea123 » 03 Sep 2018, 10:34

As far as multi-room, what are your plans, hard-wired, wireless, …?

I don't think you can split the 7.1 DAC's output into multiple 2 channel outputs if that was the question. I am using the RCA analogue outputs on my DAC and then have the pre-amp output split into multiple amps for multi-room. One source, multiple room distribution.

I also don't think you'd technically even need a DAC if you are using the PI's native HDMI output. My pre-amp only has TOSLINK and Digital Coax, so I don't have any experience on that side of the equation.

In the end, I think you'd more easily just stack a few PI's in your stereo cabinet to run multiple sources.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2017, 19:19

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