I have a HiFiBerry RP3 running RuneAudio 20160313beta.
There seems to be a long time problem that the smb guest connection to "MusicStore" share reports the remaining size of the SD card as the available size, and not the actual size of any USB connected Hard Drive.
This means if I have a few hundred MB left on the SD, and I connect a 1TB USB HD I cannot use the smb share connection to copy files to the USB HD. "No available space on drive".
Files can be copied one by one if each is less than the SD space, but if the track is really big, it is impossible.
I think the RuneAudio built-in smb share "MusicStore" would be the perfect way to maintain the music library, if it was not for this issue.
Any news on a built-in RuneAudio solution to this problem?