USB Install

Raspberry Pi related support

Re: USB Install

Postby johnbanks » 30 Sep 2014, 17:46


Thx for prompting me to try USB 3.0

I purchased an Integral Fusion 8GB USB 3.0 stick (UK pounds 7) and have tested it in the USB 2.0 slot of my Windows laptop using CrystalDiskMark – READ=38.98 MBps and WRITE=8.35 MBps

Compared to an SDHC SanDisk ULTRA Class 10 tested in the same way, the Integral Fusion (in a USB 2.0 slot) reads at twice the speed and writes at three times the speed.

Whilst undoubtedly the absolute speeds will be different on an RPi, it seems reasonable to assume that the relative speed differences will apply to RPi.

The Integral Fusion 3.0 works on my 0.3 alpha setup. So that’s now become my preferred way to go – running the system from a second partition on a USB 3.0 stick.

As an aside – prices are coming down – 32 GB 3.0 sticks cost less than UK pounds 15 and 64 GB sticks are less than UK pounds 25. So using 2 GB for the second partition for the system, it would leave a lot of room for music in the first partition – for those that don’t want to do NAS streaming.
And when the new amplifiers become available that sit on top of the RPi & DAC, the USB 3.0 approach will make for a very neat & portable rig.

Thx again for the prompt
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Joined: 11 Jun 2014, 00:16

Re: USB Install

Postby Peter » 30 Sep 2014, 22:59

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