USB speakers?

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USB speakers?

Postby ian2000t » 15 Nov 2015, 20:49

Is it possible to run RuneAudio on Raspberry Pi from USB speakers?

I have a RuneAudio Pi in the garage connected to an amp/speakers through 3.5mm, but the sound isn't great. I get scratchy noise interference from the USB WiFi, and I also get a "robotic" sound occasionally. I might get a HifiBerry for this to improve the sound.

I'm looking to create a RuneAudio powered retro radio, and I need an amp/speaker setup to fit inside the small space, and hopefully without the inference or quality issues. Needs to be cheap though so I don't really want to go HiFi berry + amp.

I have a set of powered USB Logitech V20 speakers. Can these be ran straight from USB without a separate DAC?
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Re: USB speakers?

Postby ACX » 17 Nov 2015, 12:26

Hi ian2000, they should, because... guess what? They must have an internal DAC to play music via USB :) The point is if that DAC will work or not under Linux. As you have them on hand, just try it and tell us the results.
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Re: USB speakers?

Postby ian2000t » 18 Nov 2015, 14:59

OK thanks, I'll give it a go!

If it works on Linux, should it show up in the "Audio output interface" drop down in MPD configuration?
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Re: USB speakers?

Postby ACX » 18 Nov 2015, 20:00

Yes, it should in that case.
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Re: USB speakers?

Postby ian2000t » 26 Nov 2015, 23:26

Just wanted to say, my USB speakers (Logitech V20) plugged in and just worked.

Alsamixer also gave bass/treble settings for them as well which is nice!

Not the best sounds, but for a retro-fitted Roberts R500 for the kitchen they'll do perfectly! Will post some pics when it's all together!
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Re: USB speakers?

Postby ACX » 28 Nov 2015, 09:19

Good :) Thank you for your feedback!
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