USB to Ethernet adapter = better sound than ethernet?

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USB to Ethernet adapter = better sound than ethernet?

Postby tboooe » 11 May 2016, 17:04

I may be totally nuts but I think I perfer the sound when I use a usb to ethernet converter to receive music versus the built-in ethernet port. What got me thinking about trying the usb port instead was this post, though a few years old it talks about the ethernet port being quite noisy:

I had a Cable Matters usb3.0 to ethernet adapter laying around so I decided to try it. Initial impression is that music is smoother. I need to compare more.

FYI, I use my Pi3 and Rune as a renderer on my network. I also use a HifiBerry Digi+ board outputting via coaxial to my Mutec 3+ reclocker.
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Re: USB to Ethernet adapter = better sound than ethernet?

Postby tboooe » 12 May 2016, 00:39

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Re: USB to Ethernet adapter = better sound than ethernet?

Postby PeteB » 12 May 2016, 01:20

I have never looked at the layout closely enough, but if true, this might cause some issues. Not everyone would be able to duplicate the same thing, because if you had a short ethernet cable to a hub or a router on the same circuit ground, then it might not matter. If one the other hand, your ethernet cable leads someplace with noisy grounds, or is more than a few feet long, you could (not necessarily would but could) see/hear a lot more noise.

However, a DAC with its own power supply regulator would be mostly isolated from the problem.
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Re: USB to Ethernet adapter = better sound than ethernet?

Postby joselee07 » 24 Apr 2018, 08:25

Yes, If you use a USB ethernet adapter for better sound that's an excellent option for better sound quality. I know Cable Matters is a well-reputed brand for USB ethernet cable. You can also see other options .
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Re: USB to Ethernet adapter = better sound than ethernet?

Postby janui » 26 Sep 2018, 11:16

Hi tboooe, PeteB, joselee07 & JenniferT,
Here are some measurements of the USB 'noise' on a Pi 3B: ... s-usb.html
And here are some measurements of the Ethernet ‘noise’ on a Pi 3B: ... ernet.html
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