Using PC in the same network as Music "database"

Raspberry Pi related support

Using PC in the same network as Music "database"

Postby M0nk3y » 19 Sep 2018, 14:58

Is it possible for a "normal" pc to be used as music database? We have an old PC that has a huge music library, but it being in a diffcult/unmovable spot kinda makes the stored music "unusable". Would it be possibly to access the folders that contain the music on this pc through network filesharing?

I know it works with a NAS, but a normal pc?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Using PC in the same network as Music "database"

Postby janui » 23 Sep 2018, 21:42

Hi M0nk3y,
Yes this is possible. You need to do some things on the windows PC to make it work. You need to share the directory which contains the music. Usually you share it with a user, you also need to set up this user (with or without a password). It works differently for each Windows version so a detailed how-to is not easy. Several methods seem to be well documented here: ... networking
After successfully sharing the files (test it first with another PC/laptop), you can mount the share in the Sources UI.
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Re: Using PC in the same network as Music "database"

Postby M0nk3y » 28 Sep 2018, 15:06

Posts: 2
Joined: 19 Sep 2018, 14:51

Re: Using PC in the same network as Music "database"

Postby cmh714 » 28 Sep 2018, 17:38

it should be reasonably easy....depending on your skills :)

For me, I would configure NFS on the linux box and set the permissions appropriately and then on Rune mount the NFS share....pretty simple.... or so he says

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