Utilizing Ethernet and the USB wifi dongle simultaneously

Raspberry Pi related support

Utilizing Ethernet and the USB wifi dongle simultaneously

Postby charleskelly » 26 Dec 2016, 18:54

When I first installed rune audio, I used the USB wifi dongle to access the runeUI over my network. I noticed a considerable delay which I wasn't happy with (this is because my network is slow - nothing to do with rune). So I decided to run a DHCP server on my desktop and have the pi connected directly to it. Obviously this means I can only access the runeUI on that local PC. So my question is, how can I configure the PI to run both (access rune audio on my pc with no latency issues, and access it from other devices on my network).

I had a look around the internet and found this post: http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/qu ... i-together

But it appears that the file structure is slightly different on runeOS than raspbian because there is no "network" folder in /etc/

Can anyone give me a hand? Thanks
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Joined: 13 Jan 2015, 22:54

Re: Utilizing Ethernet and the USB wifi dongle simultaneousl

Postby hondagx35 » 26 Dec 2016, 19:08

Hi charleskelly,

what hardware do you use RP1 or RP2/3?

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