update shows please download the latest image

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update shows please download the latest image

Postby tsawyer » 13 Dec 2021, 04:38

I have a few pis running and some of them are showing this message for updates under addon: please download the latest image file to be able to update.

is there a time limit or window of how long an image is valid? I would really rather not have to keep downloading images bc that means I need to add all my setting back every time. if there is a work around, great. I haven't tried but even if that means I have to backup/restore I can but why is there an issue in the 1st place? at a certain point if so many things have changed I complete new image is required I would think the backup/restore would be invalid due the number of changes
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Re: update shows please download the latest image

Postby rern » 13 Dec 2021, 04:54

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Re: update shows please download the latest image

Postby tsawyer » 13 Dec 2021, 05:44

rune.jpg (10.62 KiB) Viewed 2243 times
gotcha. that will spawn 2 questions from me now.

• is there a cron/script that would do it for me let's say the 1st of the month so I'm not too far out of date?

• is there an option to long click in this case?
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Re: update shows please download the latest image

Postby rern » 13 Dec 2021, 06:17

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Re: update shows please download the latest image

Postby Ears of Tin » 15 Dec 2021, 15:37

I have had this problem a few times and the work around discribed below avoids downloading and burning a new image. Basically it resets the version id to an earlier date allowing you to apply subsequent updates.


Have a look at the file:


This is a text file editable with nano or similar . Mine currently contains the latest revision date (mine is 20211114) and nothing else. I suspect yours in missing / empty (given the first line of your display above). If so create the file, or edit the existing, and set the date to (say) 20211113 and save it. Then you should be able to reapply the latest update, after the update it should be the date of the latest revision.

If this is the case, this is an old RA-Re5/6 problem which still occurs occasionally in rAudio-1 for some reason.

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Re: update shows please download the latest image

Postby tsawyer » 05 Jan 2022, 19:05


thanx for the info. I'll def have to try that out next time I run into the issue. I've been having a lot of issues with my boxes and I really think the problem was the card at the root of my problems. needed to reimage to all new cards so we'll see if I run into the issue on this thread. def owe you a beverage
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Re: update shows please download the latest image

Postby tsawyer » 18 Feb 2022, 23:15

just wanted to confirm, this does work. I made the mistake of moving between all the boxes without waiting for the update confirmation to appear on the screen. it seemed like that stops the update, when I went back to the 1st box I got the download latest image message. after the edit as listed, ran the update like normal. guess I'll have to stay on the box until I get the all clear signal. excellent tip, saved me a lot of work
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