by englishtim » 13 Apr 2018, 14:59
Hi Owen,
My suggestion would be to check MPD's "Volume control" mode (Menu > MPD > Volume Control) - is it set to "disabled"?
MPD's "disabled" volume control mode does exactly what it says, and prevents RuneUI from managing the DAC's audio output-level - from your description of the symptoms I wonder if this might be what's causing the problem. "Disabled" mode is good for situations where the DAC's audio output connections operate at Line level (i.e. nominally 1V RMS, such as you'd use to connect to an amplifier or powered monitors), and playback volume is managed using the physical controls on your amp or speakers. The only way to adjust RuneAudio's volume in "disabled" mode is by running Alsamixer in a terminal.
If you want to control RuneAudio's playback volume via your phone then MPD's volume control must be set to either "enabled - software mixer" or "enabled - hardware mixer". The help-text on the MPD settings page describes the relative merits of each option clearly. I've tested this with the Android RuneAudio app, and I'm happy to report that each of the "enabled..." modes works perfectly both with the on-screen volume wheel and the Android device's physical volume buttons. Your results might be influenced by the capabilities of your DAC, so I'd recommend that you try both modes.
Hope this helps...
Peace and friendship,