Volume/gain IQAudIO DAC+

Raspberry Pi related support

Volume/gain IQAudIO DAC+

Postby Bjarne » 09 Aug 2016, 20:44


Just got the RPI3 and IQAudIO-dac+ and after one hour it's playing music :D

I got a question about volumen.

The output from the DAC is very low with SW volume control. When I set the volume to the normal setting on my amplifier I have to set the volume in Rune to 75 to hear anything. With HW Volume control I can hear from 50.
My previous player is RPI1B and HiFIBerry DAC. With that I can regulate the rune wheel from 20 to 100.

Is there a way to change gain on the PI/DAC?

Thanks in advance
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Joined: 04 Mar 2014, 11:37

Re: Volume/gain IQAudIO DAC+

Postby hondagx35 » 09 Aug 2016, 21:06

Hi Bjarne,

please read .

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