Volume set reload, hit 0% nothing happens?

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Volume set reload, hit 0% nothing happens?

Postby irishwill2008 » 23 Sep 2016, 12:24

I am not sure if its me or if its a bug? It seems like a bug but anyway.

When i set the volume to 100% lets say and reload the page, when i hit the volume knob at the bottom corner to set it to 0 it changes to 0 the word (said 100 but then changed to 0 which obviously is suppose to) but the volume doesnt get set to 0? For me to do it i have to hit something else like hit anywhere else such as 50% then that changes then if i hit to make it 0% again it works then. But if volume is set to 100% and you reload the page and try set it to 0% WITHOUT the mute button then it doesnt work. It just stays at 100%. Same with the rest, if you set it to 40% or whatever and you reload and try set it to 0% without using the mute button it stays at whatever it was before you hit 0. Strange. (This is doing the same if you type 0 into the input field on the knob also).

Let me know if you guys have a solution. Thanks!
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Re: Volume set reload, hit 0% nothing happens?

Postby hondagx35 » 23 Sep 2016, 17:07

Hi irishwill2008,

for me the volume knob works like it should on all my browsers and OSs.
Without knowing the browser and OS it is hard to help.
From your other posts i found that you did some modifications maybe this is the issue.

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Re: Volume set reload, hit 0% nothing happens?

Postby irishwill2008 » 23 Sep 2016, 17:40

The browser is firefox, i am running it on windows XP.

As for the PI OS it is raspberry pi 3.
Perhaps your right but i didnt go near any volume knob code within the JS. I just added my own scripts within pages.
Will check the js and see.
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