Waveshare 10.1 B noise

Raspberry Pi related support

Waveshare 10.1 B noise

Postby valenzuelamar » 26 Nov 2020, 19:56

Iam using RPI4 B 1 GB with Waveshare 10.1 B touch screen for home automation wall mount touch panel.
the problem is after about one or two month somthing wierd happens to screens. there is some colorful noise . and these noises showing up after power outage. also with powering it off for few hours the noises will gone and every thing works nicely again. some times i have to power them off for few days to solve this problem. Have a look at my as well!
i have tried these:
1- new sd card with fresh installation of kiosk mode chromium (raspbian buster).
2- changed the power of touch screen and RPI
3- changed the touch screen ffc cable
4- changed the HDMI cable
Last edited by valenzuelamar on 08 Dec 2020, 19:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Waveshare 10.1 B noise

Postby rastus » 27 Nov 2020, 11:29

Looks like a GPU issue. Could it be low power? A Pi 4 needs 5v and 3-4amp, very power hungry (especially if peripherals are plugged in to the USB, NW).

Edit: The screen may be gone, or on it's way out.

PS: Not too sure how this has anything to do with RuneAudio though. Tell ya what, when you figure out what's wrong, come back and tell us (one time poster).
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