Hi guys,
First of all, love runeaudio, i've setup my RPI to automatically add all music from a folder on my NAS and play it at random, it checks for updates every night and automatically adds it to the playlist. I like to have this as my personal "radio channel" where the music i like is playing at all times.
The only feature i am missing is to somehow make "new music" get played more often. Right now i have 900 music files in the folder and its very rare that anything new comes up.
Do any of you have any ideas how to make it play newly added files more often? Considering the playlist is just based on a directory listing from my mounted folder i figured maybe i can use the ls command and filter out any files older than 4 weeks and then add these to the playlist making it add multiple extra entries for the files that are new, the downside to this is that many of the same song may be played after each other which isn't great.
Any ideas how to better make it play new files more often? It would be a great addtitional feature to rune audio if not already available.