Webradio count wrong/can't reset

Raspberry Pi related support

Webradio count wrong/can't reset

Postby dleite123 » 12 Jun 2016, 02:54


I have a nuisance i cannot solve and need some help.

My Webradios shows a count of 5, but there is nothing in the directory /mnt/MPD/Webradios

I cleared and reset the MPD database, I tried creating a new redis.conf but I don't think I did that properly. I also reset some services (rune_SY_wrk) and did multiple reboots. Updated nightly build did not resolve this.

I don't want to reinstall from scratch because the box i soldered my Pi in is hard to get at the SD card and I have some custom scripts for GPIOs.

I've been trying to resolve this for three weeks. The solution must be simple but i just can't seem to get it.

Any thoughts?

Thanks for you time.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2016, 02:47

Re: Webradio count wrong/can't reset

Postby hondagx35 » 12 Jun 2016, 11:05

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Re: Webradio count wrong/can't reset

Postby dleite123 » 16 Jun 2016, 04:39

Hi Frank;

Simply updating the MPD database does not do the trick. I worked with MPD on its own with raspian before I found runeaudio. Anyways... I updated and deleted the MPD database different ways before.

This is the first time i have tried the redis-cli command.

When I enter
> redis-cli del webradios ... i receive;
(interger) 1

Next i entered and recived the expected responses;

> rm /mnt/MPD/webradios

> mpc update

Finally, a quick http to runeaudio shows no webradios and the MPD database is updating.

I will let you know in the morning if this achieves what i need. Hopefully, when i enter new web radios they will appear in the list.

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Joined: 12 Jun 2016, 02:47

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