Webradio plays for 3-4 seconds then dies...

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Webradio plays for 3-4 seconds then dies...

Postby KHatfull » 18 Oct 2017, 03:27

...and the UI locks and eventually have to power cycle the box.

Haven't played webradio in a while so couldn't tell you when this staerted. On 0.4 20170229

Any quick thoughts before I delve deeper?

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Re: Webradio plays for 3-4 seconds then dies...

Postby surfninja » 18 Oct 2017, 15:55

I listen to my web radios stations all the time. I hardly listen to my library any more. You might want to verify the web radio station is not dropping off. I use xiiaLive app on my phone to stream my stations when I'm not in my listening room.

Or post your station and see if others have the same issue.

I don't think runeaudio is the problem.
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Re: Webradio plays for 3-4 seconds then dies...

Postby janui » 18 Oct 2017, 22:30

Hi KHatfull,

If you are using a WiFi Network connection this could be the problem, test by using a wired connection. The other thought is power problems, but I would expect this also to cause problems with mpd playback, therefore unlikely. I don't expect this to be a Rune problem, more likely to be envoronment or connection related.

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