Webradios disappeared?

Raspberry Pi related support

Webradios disappeared?

Postby MuseChaser » 17 Nov 2018, 17:52

Howdy, Frank and all. Haven't been around this board much because, well... Rune's been working great and i've been too busy enjoying it!

Usually, like 98% of the time, I use it for streaming flac files I have on my server, but in the past I've used it for some webradio stations that i found and successfully added. Typically, Christmas stuff and a few European high definition classical stations. A few days ago I had the idea of adding a small Pi/HifiberryAmp2 based system in my garage to keep me entertained while slaving away out there and thought it'd be neat to stream some of the talk radio stuff I occasionally listen to. I found a few online streams and, before ordering the parts, thought I'd try to add them to my main Rune'dPi inside. Fired it up and discovered that all 20 or so of my webradio streams have disappeared! Completely empty. Any ideas what may have happened? Any way to recover them, or do I just start from scratch?

Posts: 32
Joined: 30 Apr 2016, 15:07

Re: Webradios disappeared?

Postby eea123 » 25 Nov 2018, 18:51

Have not had that happen to myself yet, but was curious just to stay abreast of such things.
Posts: 155
Joined: 23 Dec 2017, 19:19

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