When browsing by Genre options to add to Queue don't work

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When browsing by Genre options to add to Queue don't work

Postby mdruni » 30 Mar 2015, 05:53


This is my first post, so first off, Wow. What a beautiful UI and efficient backend. It runs great on my RPI B+. I'm really loving this software and my family is able to use it without any trouble - which isn't always the case for software that I love!

My question and possible bug report is regarding the ability to add a Genre to the Queue.

When browsing by Genre, the available actions for each Genre include the standard "Add, Add and Play, Add, replace and Play". However, none of these actions work. It's not possible to add the entire Genre to the Queue.

I suspect this is a bug because:

1). The action options exist for the Genre
2). A message does appear indicating that the selection was added to the queue (but it is not)

I am running the latest update from github (I think) - see below.

[root@homeaudio www]# git log
commit ad254debabb9a47cd0f06efbbc2e0d675263ca4e
Author: Andrea Coiutti <acx@ngi.it>
Date: Mon Dec 22 14:21:38 2014 +0100

Let me know if you need any more information.

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Re: When browsing by Genre options to add to Queue don't wor

Postby ACX » 30 Mar 2015, 16:49

Hi mdruni,
the additional "browse by" modes (by Album/Artist/Title) are not fully implemented yet. They will be subjected to a code refactor soon, so it's not worth to try to fix that on the current code base. You'll have to wait for that, sorry :) (but it will be worth!)
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Re: When browsing by Genre options to add to Queue don't wor

Postby mdruni » 30 Mar 2015, 17:11

No problem! I'm happy to wait. I'm also pretty sure I'll be switching the home audio solution over to Rune and will make a donation shortly to help with development.

Thanks for the quick reply.

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