Which version of Runeaudio to use

Raspberry Pi related support

Which version of Runeaudio to use

Postby NAP1947 » 05 Jan 2022, 01:52

I have a raspberry pi 3B V1.2, a Hifiberry DAC+ and am currently trying to get Runeaudio v-0.3-beta (23/03/2016) setup. I had this working a few years ago but needed the Raspi for another project and have not used it for a while.
The Pi works fine with Rasbien, once setup, wifi works etc.
However, when I install runeaudio the raspy screen is black background with blue and grey foreground which is hard to read and I cannot get response from my mouse, the keyboard is difficult to work with due to the colours.
My problem is I cannot access from my wifi network using either runeaudio.local or the IP address.
I suspect it is not logged in and that problem I cannot seem to get by with my keyboard navigation in the raspy interface.
I would appreciate finding a list of keyboard commands and also if possible a means to change the screen colours of the interface.
If someone is familiar with the problem, all suggestions would be appreciated.
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Joined: 01 Dec 2017, 21:17

Re: Which version of Runeaudio to use

Postby Ears of Tin » 07 Jan 2022, 12:19

Try this version. A lot has changed since v0.3.

Ears of Tin
Posts: 74
Joined: 17 Dec 2018, 00:42

Re: Which version of Runeaudio to use

Postby surfninja » 07 Jan 2022, 23:03

rAudio 1, Raspberry Pi 2B
rAudio 1, Raspberry Pi 4B
rAudio 1, Raspberry Pi Zero W
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