Whole house streaming

Raspberry Pi related support

Whole house streaming

Postby bigme » 09 Jun 2015, 15:56

Is is possible to have more than a single install of Rune Audio running in my home? I currently have two primary listening areas (audio systems) the living room with a Denon AVR 7.1, and a bedroom system that consist of vintage gear (a Harmon Kardon 330B receiver, a Denon turntable and Pold Audio SDA speakers.

My audio library is a mix of cd rips in iTunes mostly a high resolution, a handful of lower resolution MP3's and a few FLACS too. All in all approximately 15,000+ tracks or about 250+ GB which lives on a Seagate Central NAS on my home network.

I would like to have two Rune Audio streaming devices, one for each location. Possibly running at the same time but not necessarily. Is this as easy as adding a second set-up and using two different instances of the UI based on the different IP addresses of the two devices?

Sorry if this has been discussed before I am just having trouble finding the answer.

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Re: Whole house streaming

Postby Aquarius » 11 Jun 2015, 09:20

You can use two different devices fine. DIfferent IPs, so different UI. You just have to take care to which one you are using so as not to wake everybody up by mistake :)
-- Aquarius
Hifi Gear: RuneAudio/Volumio on Raspberry Pi B + Hifibery Digi, Atoll ST200 (network streamer, DAC, pre-amp), Emotiva XPA-2, Bowers & Wilkins 683
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Re: Whole house streaming

Postby hondagx35 » 11 Jun 2015, 11:07

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Re: Whole house streaming

Postby bigme » 11 Jun 2015, 13:38

Thanks for the information, I hope to get them both connected sometime this week.
Posts: 10
Joined: 21 May 2014, 17:33

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