wifi channel

Raspberry Pi related support

wifi channel

Postby giovilux » 04 Oct 2017, 16:07

maybe this information can be useful to somebody:
in case your pi doesn't see your wifi network the reason could be that the modem is using channels 12 or 13.

It happened to me today: I run the modem optimiser and it changed the channel to have a better speed. The pi was not working anymore so I had to revert to a channel below 12 .

It's not a big problem as most of my devices are on the 5ghz network but is there a way to enable runeaudio to channels 12 and 13?

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Re: wifi channel

Postby hondagx35 » 04 Oct 2017, 22:51

Hi Giovanni,

this is a known issue with Arch Linux on the Pi, see also

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