wifi file transfer to sata drive

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wifi file transfer to sata drive

Postby floyd » 31 May 2015, 08:46

Newb Alert

What is the recommended way, to wirelessly transfer files to the internal sata drive in my cubietruck?

I like to have a stand alone, headless music player. But to update files on it must be easy, otherwise theres not much point.

I run OSX Yoesemite and the Finder network file transfer is suuuuper slow. In linux Mint 17 the same basic drag n drop file transfer in nemo file browser is much faster and more stable. Any reason why and how to get OSX to behave like Mint?

thanks all
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Re: wifi file transfer to sata drive

Postby floyd » 31 May 2015, 22:31

Infact, OSX Finder just says the HDD only has 198mb on it (i have read about this elsewhere) and refuses to attempt to copy any files to the network drive.

Mint 17 says the drive is full but offers an option to try anyway. This would then work for me, but not as fast or reliably as I would like....
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Re: wifi file transfer to sata drive

Postby Zephram » 11 Jul 2015, 21:05

Don't know about your "Drive is full" issue, but loading the HD is easy via FTP.
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Re: wifi file transfer to sata drive

Postby floyd » 25 Jul 2015, 01:15

ahhhh ftp of course....havnt used that since my IRC days

Managed to get it working with fileZilla on mac. Doesnt seem as stable or fast as simply using the file browser in Mint (nemo) to drag and drop though...wonder why?

In filezilla im maxing out at 250kbps....does that sound about right? Is the speed being capped by the cubietrucks wifi hardware?
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Re: wifi file transfer to sata drive

Postby Zephram » 29 Jul 2015, 18:50

Tried a wired network connection to see if it is faster?
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Re: wifi file transfer to sata drive

Postby floyd » 02 Apr 2016, 04:52

Slight side note here....

So I have a Cubietruck with a 500GB sata drive connected up to it, then spdif optical out into my stereo.

To get new tracks onto the sata drive I can either use sftp (I use filezilla) or I can shut down the cubie, disconnected the sata drive, connect the sata drive to my laptop and just copy the files over.

If I use the FTP method, is that consuming my internet data allowance (i.e beaming up into the internet ether and then coming back down again), or is it simply going directly from my laptop, through my router and then to the cubie via my local wifi?
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Re: wifi file transfer to sata drive

Postby hondagx35 » 02 Apr 2016, 09:39

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Re: wifi file transfer to sata drive

Postby glenndmel » 29 Apr 2016, 09:50

How could I do this on a Mac? Any tutorial available?
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Re: wifi file transfer to sata drive

Postby hondagx35 » 29 Apr 2016, 10:31

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