Wifi instability on RPi 0.3-alpha

Raspberry Pi related support

Re: Wifi instability on RPi 0.3-alpha

Postby johnbanks » 18 Oct 2014, 23:48


Thx to sykodad I’m now streaming from my NAS to my RPi B+ and iqAUDIO DAC+ wirelessly with an Edimax dongle.

Re yr voltage question – have read 4.75 to 5.25 seems to be the range – you are inside this assuming you measured it with the Edimax working (blue light flashing).

My experience is that the Edimax does take time to come up after a reboot – I watch for the flashing blue light.

Immediately after bringing up the UI, I go to Networks and wlan0 has a red X so I hit Refresh Interfaces and a green tick soon appears. Like you I’m using static IP address for wireless when I first set it up with my wireless password.
Once the green tick appears, click on it to get yr SSID and IP address displayed.

As an aside – I use netscan (free) to scan my network for the sometimes elusive RUNEAUDIO
If you have both ethernet & wireless connections, it will show both.

Hope this helps
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Joined: 11 Jun 2014, 00:16

Re: Wifi instability on RPi 0.3-alpha

Postby johnbanks » 18 Oct 2014, 23:58


PS: My observations above are without ethernet being connected which I did not perhaps make clear.

Ethernet connection is required to set up wireless but, in my case, I then move the unit to my 'hi-fi' location which has no ethernet outlet.

In my experience - you can get the UI over wireless after a reboot even tho' there's a red X against wlan0
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Joined: 11 Jun 2014, 00:16

Re: Wifi instability on RPi 0.3-alpha

Postby Stwert » 19 Oct 2014, 02:44

Thanks again John for your assistance. I've done a bit more experimenting and I have now managed to get a wifi signal.

In this case, I've waited a while to ensure the wifi is up and running (flashing blue lights). If I try http://runeaudio, it does not connect, but then if I type in the wifi IP address, it does connect. Perhaps it is looking for the ethernet IP when runeaudio is entered? Anyway, once I've connected through the correct static IP, after that I can use http://runeaudio with success. Right now I am very happy. We'll see if the stability of the system lasts through future reboots. Fingers crossed.

PS, Yes I measured the voltage with wifi running and music playing.
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Joined: 19 Sep 2014, 01:58

Re: Wifi instability on RPi 0.3-alpha

Postby johnbanks » 19 Oct 2014, 14:46

By the way ....
Just had reason to reboot and found I could wirelessly stream even tho' wlan0 had a red X (non current status info - I guess)
Nevertheless I clicked on wlan0 to refresh & bring up the green tick and the interface details.

At first had yr frustration using http://runeaudio so I browsed to each specific IP address and created browser shortcuts on my desktop.

I'm currently running Windows 8.1 in desktop mode. Browser experience has been - persistent CONNECTING spinners despite doing a page reload. The worst offender was IE, Chrome was better but Firefox is the best in my experience.
Posts: 124
Joined: 11 Jun 2014, 00:16

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