WiFi issues

Raspberry Pi related support

WiFi issues

Postby PanicFan » 25 Nov 2015, 15:25

So i have a Pi2 and Pi Dac+ from IQaudio. I have a Panda 300Mbps Wireless N USB Adapter connected directly to one of the Pi2 USB ports and the whole thing is powered with a Plugable USB 2.0 7-Port High Speed Hub with 15W Power Adapter. I run the Pi2 in "headless" mode.

Mu music is currently on a Windows based computer as FLAC and Mp3 files. I 'stream' the files via WiFi network to the RPi2 and into my amp. It sounds really good. I can control the tunes via the computer or my phone. Its awesome.

The next day however, I cannot play tunes without having to 'reboot' the RPi2 (unplug it, wait 7 seconds, replug it in). Lights will be flashing on the WiFi dongle, but nothing ever happens until i 'reboot' buy power cycliing the Pi2.

The whole thing sounds amazing, but the rebooting of the Pi2 is becoming a louder annoyance.

Any Thoughts or suggestions?

- Your Friend in music!
Posts: 16
Joined: 05 May 2015, 06:16

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