I have been using my RuneAudio on RaspBerryPi 3B
and Ver. 0.4b build 20170229 (the inofficial one with
an Access Point) for say 4 months with no big problems.
Using WiFi.
There are typically 6 -7 users on the network, mainly cellphones.
It seems the system has degraded.
I normally get the RuneAudio GUI on my cellphone (Samsung S7)
or laptop following Power On.
After a few minutes, I loose the contact with Rune.
Sometimes I can "toggle" between the 3 main menues (Library, Play and
Playlist). In Play, I get the "rotating circle".
I can also see (using for example Advanced IP Scanner) that the
original IP adress has disappeared or is shown as "inactive".
It seems there are no problems with WiFi on the laptop
or the cellphones, so the router WiFi is probably working correctly.
The distance between the router and the Pi is just one meter,
with virtually no obstacles in between.
Could it be the Pi WiFi Hw has degraded ?
I want to avoid cables.
Any suggestions ?
Regards Per Linden