Wifi "Stuck" Connecting

Raspberry Pi related support

Wifi "Stuck" Connecting

Postby teaforone » 17 Mar 2015, 15:22

Hi Folks,
I am using a Logitech USB wireless adapter and have successfully created a wireless profile using wifi-menu.
Afterwards I ran "netctl start wlan0" and "netctl enable wlan0" and rebooted the raspberry pi.

The wifi connection then worked perfectly. My raspberry pi is temporarily connected to a monitor/mouse/keyboard and from within the Rune OS I can ping websites and download packages using pacman (so obviously the wireless connection is working).

I obtained the correct IP address from the pi using "ifconfig" and noted down the wlan0 IP address.

However when I try to connect to the Rune OS using my iPad or android phone, it seems to connect ok but then it just seems to sit there with a message displaying "connecting" with the rotating arrow on the screen. It's been like this for the past 15 minutes.

Does anyone know why this is happening or have you experienced a similar issue? Do I need to configure something else so I connect to the Rune OS via wifi?

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Re: Wifi "Stuck" Connecting

Postby utschu » 17 Mar 2015, 19:51

Did you tried to use an alternative Browser.

I have had the same issues with the native Android Browser and with an IPAD 1 with the Safari Browser. As there are no further updates available for IPAD 1, I couldn' t establish a connection with that IPAD, the IPAD Air works perfect.

Good luck

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Re: Wifi "Stuck" Connecting

Postby teaforone » 17 Mar 2015, 22:31

Hi Utschu,
Yes I had the same issue with my iPad, my android phone and with Firefox on Linux mint. I also tried an Ethernet connection and experienced the same issue where the browser is continually displaying the connected screen so I do not believe it is an issue with my wireless setup.

I used Rune OS just a few weeks ago (the exact same version with no new install in between) and did not experience any problems at all.

Just an hour ago I had to pull the power plug from my raspberry pi to reset it as I could not power it off via the web browser. It worked fine after the second forced shutdown but it just seems really buggy lately. I have seen an error message on two occasions saying something like the software has encountered a serious error.

I hope these issues are bugs and the developers can fix them soon. I'd like to show a demo of Runeaudio to some friends but ill wait until it is a bit more stable before I do. I might try flashing the sd card again to see if it helps or perhaps I'll give Volumio a try.

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Re: Wifi "Stuck" Connecting

Postby utschu » 18 Mar 2015, 07:00

Hi teafor one
If I would experience the same behaviour, I would also flash the SD card with a new image.

Usually if I have to do so, it is after an unconditional shutdown.

Apart of such a situation, it is working very stable.


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Re: Wifi "Stuck" Connecting

Postby rhino_ninja » 30 Apr 2015, 01:22

I appear to be having the same issue. I finally was able to boot it up and log in via the the ip address via the ethernet, but once I try to connect via just the wifi, it only spins the connecting on both chrome and firefox.
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Re: Wifi "Stuck" Connecting

Postby hondagx35 » 30 Apr 2015, 14:46

Hi all,

please update your image like described .

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