Windows 10 "cast to" option

Raspberry Pi related support

Windows 10 "cast to" option

Postby Filip » 09 Jan 2016, 14:09


Maybe this will be useful to some of you - or maybe it's obvious and I've just discovered a wheel, but today I've realized how simple is it to cast your music files to Runeaudio from Windows 10. Just right click the file and navigate to "cast to" option, as in the screenshot below "runecastto.jpg"
runecastto.png (89.36 KiB) Viewed 3597 times

- then a kind of a player opens and sound flows. It's not perfect, <strike>as you cannot navigate to certain part of the song and I can't get it to play more than one song from the list at a time, but I guess there must be some options</strike> edit: if you enable streaming under windows options, then playlists work and you can move to certain parts of the song - most of the time, on occasion in messes up the sound. My Runeaudio is just setup to MPD as in second screenshot.

If only I could make my laptop to cast youtube sound as easy as this that would be heaven - I've tried a program but it's so so experience IMO.

Cheers and have a good day. To Mods - if this is obvious knowledge a thread is garbage, please delete - cheerio!
runesettings.png (17.78 KiB) Viewed 3597 times
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Re: Windows 10 "cast to" option

Postby hondagx35 » 09 Jan 2016, 14:41

Hi Filip,

thank you for showing us this Windows10 feature.
Under the hood it is using the DLNA feature implemented in RuneAudio.

Maybe is what you are searching for. Streaming youtube from Windows10 (edge) to any DLNA device.

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Re: Windows 10 "cast to" option

Postby Filip » 09 Jan 2016, 14:53

Hi Frank,

Thanks for that link - this is exactly what I'm looking for - thanks!
edit: however, the casting feature of Edge for me works for ~1min then stops for some ungodly reason. Maybe it's power settings or something like that. So close yet so far... Thanks anyway :)

All the best,
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Joined: 07 Nov 2014, 17:35

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