Wireless on Rune

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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby MrBiek » 18 Mar 2014, 16:11

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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby skrodahl » 20 Mar 2014, 00:41


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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby Peter » 20 Mar 2014, 22:44

Great guide..... and the 3ply is as yet unused! Could your post be put somewhere as a sticky to aid other illiterates like me? :lol:
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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby skrodahl » 21 Mar 2014, 01:16

Thanks :)
I suspect, and this is perhaps the main reason for posting the information, that the beta 0.3 will be made available sometime in the near future. (Sorry if I put to much pressure on the developers, that's not my intention.)

The new beta is said to include wireless support, effectively rendering this short guide obsolete.

The MPD database deletion pitfall exists until then, and I think it would be a disservice to use this as a sanctioned guide because of that. Personally, I think that adding more information about SSH, logging in, identifying the wlan device, getting hold of the IP-addresses and more is equally necessary to make this a complete guide.

Or maybe I'm just being too hard on myself, the devs/mods may decide otherwise. Still, glad I could be of help.

- Skrodahl

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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby junaling » 22 Apr 2014, 18:34

Here's how I got wifi working using a TP-link 725N:

Install wifi driver for TP-link 725N :
a) pacman -S dkms-8188eu
b) systemctl enable dkms
c) systemctl start dkms

Config wifi:
a) ip link set wlan0 up
b) create profile: wifi-menu -o
c) start profile: netctl start <profile>
d) auto-start : netctl enable <profile>
e) /etc/modprobe.d/8188eu.conf
options 8188eu rtw_wmm_enable=1 rtw_power_mgnt=0

Refer to the arch wireless wiki for more details.

I've documented my setup here for future reference, hope it can be useful to anyone :

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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby cmh714 » 04 May 2014, 03:11

Thanks for a great write up that definitely assisted me in getting my wifi working....finally. My problem at the moment is not being able to set a static IP on the wired eth0 interface for some unknown reason....

I did however find a solution to the "needing the ethernet cable plugged in" problem.....from the archlinux wiki
Tip: To enable static IP profile on wired interface no matter if the cable is connected or not, use SkipNoCarrier=yes in your profile.

This worked for me....YMMV

EDIT: Well this fixed getting wifi to work without a cable....unfortunately the database is not accessible without a wire and rebuilds as posted above :(
Gonna try a loopback adapter if I can find it....
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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby cmh714 » 04 May 2014, 16:55

So basically the failure is to mount anything when the ethernet cable is out....what gives with that? very odd.
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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby cmh714 » 04 May 2014, 19:03

SOLUTION: An ethernet loopback cable works perfectly, fools the Pi into believing it has a live connection. My db is intact and appears to function properly, but I havent tried to add anything yet.

I had one laying around, but they are easy to make. Pin 1 to Pin3, Pin 2 to Pin 6 and voila a loopback adapter.

see here if you need more: http://www.maguire.com/page.php/troubleshooting.htm

EDIT: I Guess I spoke to soon...wishful thinking. You can see the db n the UI but the USB HD is not mounted again. Need to figure this out.... :)
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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby cmh714 » 04 May 2014, 22:09

I just edited my fstab to include the mount for the USB and with the loopback adapter I mentioned above everything is working as expected. The db does NOT rebuild everytime, ie it is persistent now across reboots.

I also disabled dhcpd since I am using static. The eth0 looks setup correctly but was having issue getting it to accpet the static...but will keep playing.
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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby junaling » 07 May 2014, 06:46


to get your wired connection working with static ip, your /etc/netctl/eth0 or whatever profile name you are using should look something like this:

Description='static eth0'

see here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Netctl

note the /24 in the address is the netmask equivalent to
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