Wireless on Rune

Raspberry Pi related support

Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby bitlisz » 18 May 2014, 16:00

No solution to use on wireless without cable connection?
I came from Volumio, that sucks with constatnt rescans of media...and now this, nicely done.
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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby Peter » 21 May 2014, 11:48

Waiting patiently for 0.3....I need wireless to a) fit with the rest of my network, (b) save me crawling under the house to install new LAN cable, (c) protecting me from the wifes anger at not being able to connect where SHE wants to....(d) to save having to connect LAN just to satisfy Rune, when Raspbmc and other programs are so easy.

I am sure I could think of more reasons, and I wish I was bright enough to contribute in a meaningful fashion to the project, but alas....I truly enjoy Rune Audio, especially the ease of connection and superb gui - keep up the great work!

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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby cmh714 » 25 May 2014, 02:33

With the loopback adapter I mentioned previously and some other work (dont remember exactly what now :)) I have this all working. I dont need to mount anymore in rc.local.

I was able to re-order my adapters so that wlan0 is first and eth0 second. That in conjunction with the loopback adapter makes it work. Without the adapter it would just hang.

Good Luck to you....I am jamming finally as of earlier today once I solved some volume issues with mpd
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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby cmh714 » 25 May 2014, 02:46

Let me know if I can help any...but here is some of my config, obviously change the IP's
from the UI Network Config page (the last line I think was also important in making it work unplugged) - this file is /etc/netctl/eth0:
Description='eth0 static configuration'

For wireless the file is /etc/netctl/wlan0-SSID_here (note: this isnt secure as the password is in clear-text. there is a way to encrypt the password to use....look it up :)):
Description='A simple WPA/WPA2 encrypted wireless connection using a static IP'
# Uncomment this if your ssid is hidden
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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby cmh714 » 25 May 2014, 02:48

also use the command: netctl list
this will show the active profile

HTH, like I said I dont remember exactly how I got here as I tried a lot of stuff
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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby johnbanks » 11 Jun 2014, 00:25

Hi ...
Firstly thx to the RuneAudio guys for a great product. I’m running an RPI with Wolfson card – so thx also to saman for his work on Wolfson. My first time using Arch Linux – a bit of a steep learning curve. It’s all now working and with the RuneAudio GUI and MPDroid for my tablet I’ve retired my SqueezeBox.
My music collection is on a NAS and I need wireless because there’s no ethernet connection near my audio play equipment – so initially I hooked up RPi/Wolfson in another location with an ethernet connection.
Plugged in a USB stick with a few test music tracks.
Plugged in an inexpensive wireless USB adaptor (RT5370 chip/eBay from China/cost £3) and it was recognised. puTTy in and did lsusb -v and there it was - but not yet UP, of course.
Got wireless running with a fixed IP address (Arch Linux guides are very helpful – for wireless network configuration & for netctl)
Happened to notice that with both wireless UP and ethernet connected it’s the wlan0 interface that streams my music – as evidenced by the RX packets shown by doing ifconfig repeatedly.
Tried the forum suggestions by skrodahl & cmh714 and even an ethernet loopback cable/adapter but without success.
After many hours playing around - my conclusions are ...
It is necessary to boot with a wired ethernet connection and without this, neither a NAS nor a USB drive will be mounted (as evidenced by sudo nano /etc/mtab which has two final lines showing or not showing my NAS export and/or USB mounted).
My solution – with ethernet connected, copy these final 2 lines from /etc/mtab to /etc/fstab. Do it carefully as these lines are very long.
Reboot without the ethernet connection and wireless does the job. The database remains intact on the SDHC card and it’s possible to update it or even re-create it from scratch.
The one drawback is that in the unlikely event that I want to change my music folder (name or location not contents, of course) on my NAS or add a second music folder then it will be necessary to once more connect ethernet and copy lines from mtab to fstab. And probably before that happens, the RuneAudio guys will have released the next version.
I hope this helps
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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby cmh714 » 12 Jun 2014, 01:22

Glad your working, but I disagree with the analysis somewhat....Basically you did what I said in other posts..edit the fstab to get the mount when you dont have a wired connection.

Also, I found I still needed the loopback adapter to make it work...how bout you? :)

I dont stream so not sure there, but my guess is its picking the first adapter.
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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby johnbanks » 13 Jun 2014, 15:22

Hi cmh714 ...
Don’t misunderstand - I’m not critical but thankful to you & others on the forum for pointing out the areas to focus the many hours I spent playing around on this.
I can confirm the following after copying the 2 mounting lines from mtab to fstab (per my previous post) ...
With no ethernet connection, with no loopback adapter but with wireless USB adapter ....
I can pull the power cord then reconnect it to reboot then Browse to USB or to my NAS and then select an item(s) to Add/Replace/Play and it plays. The database can also be updated.
I’m using the default eth0 by DHCP and a fixed IP address for wlan0.
Also, couple of things I didn’t mention before but which are probably irrelevant ...
To stop wireless from disconnecting periodically ....
(inspired by Maurice Svay’s RPi blog)
Action 1:
Install iw the preferred wireless tools application ...
Do pacman -S iw
Do iw wlan0 get power_save ...... this will show power save as being on
Do iw wlan0 set power_save off ... this will turn off power_save and it will survive reboots
Action 2:
Ping the router every minute ...
Do systemctl unmask cronie.service
Do export EDITOR=nano
Do crontab -e

Insert the following line and then save/exit .....

*/1 * * * * ping -c 1

Secondly, there are many reports of SDHC corruption with RPi and the recommended approach is to copy the second SDHC partition to a USB and then modify cmdline.txt in the first SDHC partition so the system runs from the USB (modification is ~~~~~ root=/dev/sda2 ~~~~)
The first partition of my USB stick contains test music tracks. The second USB partition has the copy of the SDHC second partition (hence sda2).
(I happen to use Paragon Hard Disk Manager on Windows to do this partition creation and copying)
Finally, I agree it does seem strange that you need an ethernet connection even if only using USB. And it is fortuitous that if both eth0 and wlan0 are UP that wlan0 is selected for the streaming.
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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby ACX » 04 Jul 2014, 17:15

Here you can see a preview of our approach to the Wi-Fi feature:


You'll find this in the 0.3-alpha release for Rpi only, coming very soon (keep an eye on the news!).
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Re: Wireless on Rune

Postby johnbanks » 04 Jul 2014, 23:27

Hi ...
That looks cool & really professional
Eagerly awaiting 0.3
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