Would haved loved this but for wifi issue

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Would haved loved this but for wifi issue

Postby tjpearson » 26 Jun 2015, 20:51

This looked so good although difficult to tell the difference between this and Volumio.

Everything ran OK but was only able to connect once with wifi and then never again. The guides to fix the issue were there but stumbled on how to create and save a file, nice step by step instructions would have been great.

Find it hard to accept that this is a known issue but hardly any emphasis given to it from rune audio, if I was developing this its the first thing I would

I accept this is all part of a hobby working with PI and working things out, but when you work all week and your knackered , it's hard trying to find answers from entries on threads that are short, snappy and you should know how to do that type replies.

I would love to try this see if an improvement on Volumio so will come back in a few weeks in the hope someone posts step by step processes how to fix the above issue.

Thanks anyway and I hope this app succeeds and has more stability and fixed wifi soon..

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